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Description of physical therapy

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  • What do you mean by physiotherapy?

    Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient's mobility, function, and well-being.
    Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness.
    Physiotherapists get you involved in your own recovery.

  • What is the role of physical therapy in?

    Physical therapy will help you strengthen the muscles associated with your injury as well as surrounding muscles.
    Often, strength imbalances lead to injury.
    Improve outcomes: Physical therapy helps improve post-surgical outcomes, by addressing pain, scar tissue, strength, range of motion, and more.

  • What is the description of physical and occupational therapy?

    The most basic difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy is that a PT focuses on improving the patient's ability to move their body whereas an OT focuses on improving the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living.

  • The most basic goal of physical therapy is to make it easier for you.
    This is done by helping improve your ability to perform daily tasks and activities.
    Many patients undergo this type of treatment when they have difficulty walking, using stairs, or getting out of bed.
A physical therapist will examine a patient then create a recovery plan. They often focus on treatments that reduce the need for surgery and prescriptive drugs. A physical therapist uses a combination of exercise, stretches, hands-on techniques, and equipment to restore function or relieve pain.

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Description of physical therapy