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2018 Annual Report

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  • What is the purpose of an annual report?

    Annual reports are comprehensive documents designed to provide readers with information about a company’s performance in the preceding year. The reports contain information, such as performance highlights, a letter from the CEO, financial information, and objectives and goals for future years.

  • What is included in an annual report?

    An annual report is a document that contains comprehensive financial information about public companies, small and large corporations, non-profit organizations, partnerships, and other businesses. It includes their financial performance and activities over the prior fiscal year.

  • How can I find an annual report for a specific company?

    Some companies may submit their annual reports electronically in the SEC’s EDGAR database. You can learn how to use EDGAR to find annual and other reports filed by companies. If you know that a company has filed its annual report with the SEC, you can enter "ARS" in the type of form box in EDGAR.

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2018 Annual Report