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  • What is laicism in education?

    (March 2023) Laicism refers to the policies and principles where the state plays a more active role in excluding religious visibility from the public domain. The term laïcité was coined in 1871 by French educator and later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ferdinand Buisson, who advocated a religion-free school curriculum.

  • Who coined the term 'laicist'?

    The term laïcité was coined in 1871 by French educator and later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ferdinand Buisson, who advocated a religion-free school curriculum. Secularism in France has been described to be laicist in its form.

  • Is laque a form of state atheism?

    Difficult to translate, the word laïque refers to the French creed of laïcité, a form of secularism that is central to the country’s history and identity, but much misunderstood elsewhere. It is neither a form of state atheism, nor the outlawing of religion.

  • Is secularism a laicist?

    Secularism in France has been described to be laicist in its form. The term "laicism" arose in France in the 19th century for an anticlerical stance that opposed any ecclesiastical influence on matters of the French state, but not Christianity itself. In 1894, the Dreyfus Affair began in France.

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La laïcité cest quoi ? (Les clés de la République)

La laïcité cest quoi ? (Les clés de la République)

La Laïcité en 3 minutes

La Laïcité en 3 minutes

Cest quoi la Laïcité ?

Cest quoi la Laïcité ?