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Minimum Standards for Prevention & Response to Gender Based

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  • What is GBV minimum standards?

    The Inter-Agency Minimum Standards
    The objective of the Minimum Standards is to establish a common understanding of what constitutes minimum GBV prevention and response programming in emergencies. “Minimum” means “of adequate quality”; that reflects good practice and the principle of do-no harm.

  • What are the minimum standards of protection?

    The Minimum Standards for Protection Mainstreaming are a set of international standards designed to provide practical assistance to humanitarian actors to mainstream protection in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes, projects and activities.

  • What is the Unfpa standard for?

    UNFPA works to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings by drawing upon its global expertise in areas such as sexual and reproductive health, pre-natal care, its work to address the specific needs and concerns of young people and its efforts to help women and girls maintain their health and

  • Underlying principles and standards

    Treat every survivor with respect.The safety of survivors and their families is paramount.Respect the choices, wishes, rights and confidentiality of survivors and their families. Provide services and support without discrimination on any grounds.
23 nov. 2015 · UNFPA's “Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to GBV in Emergencies (GBViE)” promote the safety and well being of women and girls in  Autres questions

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Minimum Standards for Prevention & Response to Gender Based