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Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Lecture 01 Introduction

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  • What is algorithms in bioinformatics?

    Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Lecture 01 Introduction Bioinformatics is the study of biology through computer modeling and analysis. It is a multi-discipline research involving biology, statistics, data-mining, machine learning and algorithms." textbook: Wing-Kin SUNG, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, CRC Press, 2009.

  • What is a bioinformatics textbook?

    The textbook covers most of the current topics in bioinformatics. For each topic, an in-depth biological motivation is given and the corresponding computation problems are precisely defined. Different methods and the corresponding algorithms are also provided. Furthermore, the book gives detailed examples to illustrate each algorithm.

  • How to make bioinformatics ideas accessible to biologists?

    To make bioinformatics ideas accessible to biologists we appeal to the innate algorith-mic intuition of the student and try to avoid tedious proofs. The technical details are hidden unless they are absolutely necessary.3 This book covers both new and old areas in computational biology.

  • Would an O(n log n) alignment algorithm revolutionize bioinformatics?

    Nobody has an answer to question because nontrivial lower bounds for the Global Alignment problem remain unknown.3 An O(n log n) alignment algorithm would revolutionize bioinformatics and would likely be the demise of the popular BLAST rithm.

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Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Lecture 01 Introduction
Lecture 1  Introduction to Bioinformatics

Lecture 1 Introduction to Bioinformatics

Lecture 1: Introduction to bioinformatics and the course

Lecture 1: Introduction to bioinformatics and the course

Introduction to bioinformatics  Lecture 1

Introduction to bioinformatics Lecture 1