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Green Light on Transportation Legislation

The Infrastructure Bill Is Finished—What You Need to Know

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is notable both for including Congress’ most significant effort to address climate change, and its general failure to make fundamental changes to a transportation program that’s responsible for massive increases in transportation emissions, worsening state of repair, unequal access to jobs, and increasing numbe

Transportation Policy and Funding Is Now Wrapped Up Until 2026

Did you catch this one? The way this deal was repeatedly referred to in the media as a standalone infrastructure bill created a lot of confusion, so it’s worth being clear on this count: Congress just wrapped up the every-five-years process of transportation reauthorization because the Senate’s five-year transportation policy proposals passed earli

So What Was in The Five-Year Reauthorization Included in The Deal?

We took a long look at the good, the bad, and the uglywhen the deal passed the full Senate back in August, and almost nothing has changed since: There is some good news, though. When it comes to the next five years of policy and spending, passenger rail was the biggest winner, making the expansion of reliable, frequent rail service to more American

More Money For Transit But with Policy Crafted in 2015

The transit portion of reauthorization was never produced by the Senate Banking Committee, which means that this deal basically carried forward the status quo approach to transit policy from the now-replaced FAST Act, but with a historic amount of transit funding (along with a historic amount of highway funding.) The House’s discarded five-year INV

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