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Unix/Linux Command Reference

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  • How do I find the source of a command in Linux?

    The which command prints the full path of the shell commands, helping us to find out where it is on our file system.
    It searches through the directories listed in the environment variable PATH.
    We'll need the output of the which command, the command path, to download the source code using package managers.

  • How to get source code of Linux command?

    To find and download the source code of a program on Linux, you can use the package manager command that corresponds to your Linux distribution.
    On Debian-based systems, you can use the apt-get source command, and on Red Hat-based systems, you can use the yumdownloader --source command.

  • How do I get information about a command in Linux?

    Using the man pages is straightforward; simply type the man command and include the command you need more information about.
    For example, to display the manual for the ls command, type man ls .
    Man pages include a powerful set of search capabilities to help you find exactly what you need.

  • A tilde before a user's name refers to the home directory of that particular user (e.g. ~jones/data refers to the data file in jones' home directory) .. is a relative term for indicating the directory just above the current working directory. . is a shorthand reference to the current working directory.
  • man command – show the manual for command.
  • passwd – change you password.
  • quota – show your quota.
  • df – show free space on disk.
  • du – show directory space usage.
  • w – display who is logged on this machine.
  • whoami – who you are logged in as.
  • finger user – display information about user.

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Unix/Linux Command Reference