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Intermediate Econometrics – Econométrie Approfondie

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  • What is intermediate econometrics?

    Intermediate Econometrics This is an intermediate econometrics course, which builds on the introductory econometrics course (L3) and is a prerequisite for applied econometrics and program evaluation courses (M1), as well as the econometrics courses in later years. We will study the main econometric methods used in applied economics.

  • What is included in the econometrics course?

    The first two parts of the course involve a review of the methods taught in the statistics and econometrics courses in the Bachelor of Science in Volkswirtschaftslehre (Economics), as well as some advanced topics in regression analysis. This part is mandatory for all students. In the third part, some further advanced topics will be covered.

  • What are the hours of operation for econometrics?

    W. Newey and D. McFadden, "Large Sample Estimation and Hypothesis Testing", Handbook of Econometrics, Vol 4, 1994. Office hours: by appointment. Office hours: Monday 3:30pm to 5:00pm, or by appointment. Several homework assignments, including programming assignments.

ECO 4272 : Introduction `a l'économétrie Références
Manuel qualité version I web
Manuel du programme d’amélioration de la salubrité des aliments
Chapitre 4 Les défaillances du marché
Premier module
Econométrie avancée (option recherche) Master ESA
Exposé d'une théorie géométrique élémentaire des sections
AUGUSTE MOREL Exposéd’unethéorie(géométrie élémentaire
Étape 2 : Identifier les risques a priori
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Intermediate Econometrics – Econométrie Approfondie