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  • Where is the uterus located?

    The uterus is located between the urinary bladder anteriorly and the rectum posteriorly. The average dimensions of the uterus in an adult female are 8 cm long, 5 cm across, and 4 cm thick. The uterine cavity has an average volume of 80 mL to 200 mL. The uterus subdivides into three segments, namely: the body, the cervix, and the fundus.

  • What is a retroflexed uterus?

    The uterine position is also sometimes described relative to the location of the fundus; that is, an anteflexed uterus, which is normal and where the fundus tilts forward. On the other hand, a retroflexed uterus tilts posteriorly.

  • What is the physiology and pathophysiology of the uterus?

    With this in mind, the complex physiology and pathophysiology of the uterus having great clinical significance should come as no surprise. Common clinical complaints pertaining to the uterus will involve abnormal uterine bleeding and its associated causes, pelvic pain, and infertility.

  • What is the shape of the uterus?

    Muhammad Atif Ameer; Sarah E. Fagan; Jessica N. Sosa-Stanley; Diana C. Peterson. Last Update: December 6, 2022. The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ that is responsible for a variety of functions, such as gestation (pregnancy), menstruation, and labor and delivery. On a coronal cut section, its cavity has an inverted triangle shape.

Langage et réalité
Psychologie Cognitive De L A C Ducation (2022)
TD n°2 : Les cas d’utilisation en UML
La théorie psychophysique
GADAMER Hans-Georg Langage et Vérité
Les fractures de l'extremite inferieure du radius
Fractures de l'extrémité inférieure du radius oncle paul
Prise en charge d'une fracture du radius distal chez l'adulte
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