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From Enterprise Models to Dimensional Models: A Methodology

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  • How do you convert an ER model to a dimensional model?

    Open an entity relationship model and select Model Properties from the Model menu.
    The Model Editor opens.
    On the General tab, in the Modeling Features section, select Is Dimensional and click OK.
    The entity relationship model is converted to a dimensional model.

  • What is the difference between ER model and dimension model?

    The primary difference between dimensional data models (DDMs) and entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) is the pattern.
    A DDM organizes the relationships into a pattern around the central fact table.
    This pattern is called a star schema.
    An ERD doesn't have this elemental pattern.

  • What are the 5 steps of dimensional modelling?

    Building a dimensional data model

    Choose the business processes that you want to use to analyze the subject area to be modeled.Determine the granularity of the fact tables.Identify dimensions and hierarchies for each fact table.Identify measures for the fact tables.Determine the attributes for each dimension table.

  • Kimball's four step process

    Step 1 - Select the organizational process.
    Ask questions about a process. Step 2 - Declare the grain.
    Grain = level to store fact table. Step 3 - Identify the dimensions.
    Choose dimensions that apply to each row. Step 4 - Identify the facts.
    Numerical facts for each fact table row.
This paper describes a method for developing dimensional models from traditional Entity Relationship models. This can be used to design data warehouses and  Autres questions

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From Enterprise Models to Dimensional Models: A Methodology