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Data Warehouses and Data Marts: A Dynamic View

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  • What is a data mart and data warehouse?

    Data warehouses typically store data from multiple business units.
    They centrally integrate data from across the organization for comprehensive analytics.
    Data marts have a single-subject focus and are more decentralized in nature.
    They often filter and summarize information from another existing data warehouse.

  • What is data warehouse vs data views?

    Data Volume − Data warehouses are made to handle huge amounts of data, usually at the terabyte level.
    Contrarily, views are employed to access a subset of data from one or more database tables.

  • What view for data warehouse design shows the data perspective in the data warehouse from the end user's viewpoint?

    The data warehouse view includes fact tables and dimension tables.
    The business query view is the perspective of data in the data warehouse from the viewpoint of the end user.

  • A data warehouse is a database system designed for analytics.
    Data mining is generally considered as the process of extracting useful data from a large set of data.
    Data warehousing is the process of combining all the relevant data.
    Business entrepreneurs carry data mining with the help of engineers.
Design of a data warehouse to support the management of academic institutions · Computer Science · 2000. TLDR.Autres questions

Data Warehouse ebook
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Data Warehouses and Data Marts: A Dynamic View