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  • What is the theory of didactic situation?

    A didactical situation is a set of explicit or implicit relationships established between a student or a group of students, in a certain milieu, possibly comprising tools and objects, and an educational system (the teacher) to enable students to access built or under-construction knowledge.

  • What are the theories of teaching mathematics?

    This could be attributed to the methods of instruction used.
    As a result, maths teaching methods must be reconsidered in light of the these three major learning theories: behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

  • What is didactics of math?

    A field of research that aims at studying the theory and methods of learning the discipline.
    The Toolbox: Objects and Tools for Doing Mathematics.

  • An activity theory approach offers a systematic way of describing and understanding pupils learning mathematics.
    From an activity theory perspective, mathematics learning takes place in and out of the classroom, regardless.

Physiologie animale comparée 1
Stratégie Nationale de Gestion des Déchets (2020-2030)
Quel est l'impact de la fiscalité économique locale sur l'attractivité
CHAPITRE 8 – Tensions mutations de la société d’ordres
Chapitre I : Aspects théoriques du contrôle de gestion
Projet de Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Intégrée des Risques
MS : Management Commerce et Distribution en Agroalimentaire
Pilotage De L Entreprise Et Contra Le De Gestion
Biodiversité et développement vont de pair
Point de situation sur la Stratégie de l'OIT en matière de ressources
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