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A Gentle Introduction to Optimization

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  • What is the introduction of optimization?

    “Optimization” comes from the same root as “optimal”, which means best.
    When you optimize something, you are “making it best”.
    The objective function, f(x), which is the output you're trying to maximize or minimize.
    The objective function, f(x), which is the output you're trying to maximize or minimize.

  • How do you explain optimization?

    WHAT IS OPTIMIZATION? Optimization problem: Maximizing or minimizing some function relative to some set, often representing a range of choices available in a certain situation.
    The function allows comparison of the different choices for determining which might be “best.”

  • What are the basic concepts of optimization?

    Basic Optimization Concepts.
    In general, there are three fundamental parts of an optimization problem — the control variables, the objective function and, optionally, constraints.

  • Optimization started its gradual perfection in mid-19th-century English, when it was derived from optimize, a word first used in the early part of that same century with the meaning "to make the best or most of." In basic applications, optimization refers to the act or process of making something as good as it can be.

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A Gentle Introduction to Optimization