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The French Tax System

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  • What is French VAT rate?

    The different VAT rates in France
    The normal rate (or full rate) fixed at 20% The intermediate rate at 10% The reduced rate at 5.5% The super-reduced rate (or special rate) at 2.1%

  • What is the direct tax in France?

    France will reimburse between 12% and 12% of the amount you spend during your trip on products subject to standard VAT rates.
    The minimum purchase threshold is 100 EUR.

  • How much is tax free in France?

    Overall, when it comes to taxes in Europe vs. the USA, they are similar in the United States and some Western European countries, such as France, Germany, and the UK.
    In this case, France has the highest tax rates, not counting the personal income tax.

In France there are three categories of taxes on income: the corporate tax, the income tax for individuals and taxes for social purposes (CSG and the CRDS, paid by the households). Taxes paid by employers on wages, namely social contributions, are not considered as taxes by the French central government.

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The French Tax System