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Code of Practice

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  • What is meant by a code of practice?

    A code of practice is a set of written rules which explains how people working in a particular profession should behave.
    The auctioneers are violating a code of practice by dealing in stolen goods.

  • What are codes of practice examples?

    Code of Practice - Sample 2

    Confidentiality. Ethics. Duty of Care. Conflict of Interest. Contracts. Fees. Payment. Intellectual Property and Moral Rights.

  • What is the meaning of code of good practice?

    code of good practice means the Code of Good Practice for employment and conditions of work for the Expanded Public Works Programme, issued in terms of section 87(2) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997; Sample 1. code of good practice means the generic codes or the sector codes.

  • It gives employees structure and helps them understand what's expected of them.
    It reassures team members that you will respond appropriately to poor conduct.
    It enables managers and senior leadership to make informed decisions on performance enhancement and disciplinary action.
Un code de pratique peut être un document qui complète les lois et réglementations en matière de santé et de sécurité au travail pour fournir des conseils pratiques détaillés sur la manière Wikipédia (anglais)Autres questions

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Code of Practice