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Network– Software Defined Solutions and Services

Why Is Networking Software needed?

As networks grow in complexity and importance, delivering business-critical applications to employees and customers, managing them and maintaining business agility become more challenging. Networking software—along with the software-defined networks (SDNs) it creates—helps engineers respond to those challenges by enabling the creation of intent-bas

What Is Software-Defined Networking (SDN)?

SDN is the practice of using software in place of hardware to define, deploy, and manage an enterprise network. The advantages of SDN are greater flexibility and agility, reduced workload through automation, and less downtime related to deployments. See full list on cisco.com

What Is Intent-Based Networking (Ibn)?

Generally speaking, IBN is the goal of SDN. As users, devices, and distributed applications have grown in number, the networking environment has become exponentially more complex. IBN transforms a hardware-centric, manual network into a controller-led network. The network can then capture business intent and translate it into policies that can be a

in What Areas Does Networking Software Help to Solve Problems?

Visibility.Networking software provides a complete picture of the network by aggregating network data in a visual interface. Using this visibility, IT teams leverage deep analytics and applied inte

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