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Lecture 11: Detection and Segmentation

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  • What is detection and segmentation?

    Segmentation provides fine-grained information about object boundaries and regions, while detection focuses on identifying specific objects and their locations.
    Classification assigns labels to images or regions, providing a holistic understanding of content.

  • What is segmentation in Yolo?

    It aims at providing different IDs to different ob- jects of the scene, even if they belong to the same class.
    Instance segmentation is usually performed as a two-stage pipeline.
    First, an object is de- tected, then semantic segmentation within the detected box area is performed which involves costly up-sampling.

  • What is the difference between semantic segmentation and object detection?

    What is the difference between semantic segmentation and object detection? Semantic segmentation divides an image's pixels into their respective classes, while object detection classifies the image's patches into several object classes and generates a bounding box around the item.

  • One of the most important operations in Computer Vision is Segmentation.
    Image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into multiple parts or regions that belong to the same class.
    This task of clustering is based on specific criteria, for example, color or texture.

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Lecture 11: Detection and Segmentation