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A New Norm

A Virtual, Digital, Automated World

Digital technologies and automation played a critical role in many companies’ initial response to the crisis. The obvious example: white collar workers emptying out of skyscrapers and urban centers and working from home on a vast scale. But it was not videoconferencing technology nor collaboration software nor bandwidth to homes that was new. What

Resilience For A Turbulent World

Although efficiency across functions and business models has been prized for decades, Covid-19 exposed the reality that it often came at the cost of resilience—the ability of companies to quickly recover from shocks. Many shared-services centers, for example, struggled to adapt when all of their employees were forced to work from home. Some compani

The Need For Simplicity

The Covid-19 crisis and the need for greater resilience also confirmed another lesson many executives already suspected: The supply chains of the future should not support yesterday’s complex product portfolios. The allure of increased customization and product complexity has long been hard for large organizations to resist, even as the cost and co

Agility That Lasts

Simplicity was not the only unexpected effect of the pandemic. In two short months, Covid-19 rammed through behavioral changes many executives had tried to coax from their companies for years. Rapid innovation. Decisions made fast. Bureaucracy bypassed. Urgent needs tackled. Unimportant tasks shelved. Small teams on the front lines, each experienci

Back to The Future

Every company must figure out how to restart operations. But the long path to recovery is beginning to separate companies into two distinct groups. The first group wants to go back to normal, following the path of least resistance. Having weathered so much risk, these companies are reverting to the tried and true, restarting in predictable ways and

Radioprotection dans l'exercice de la mammographie
L'économie du sport
Le patrimoine unesco
Regards sur le patrimoine
Sauvegarde et transmission d'un patrimoine culturel immatériel
Effets spéciaux Animation 2D et 3D Jeu vidéo et Programmation
Généralité sur la cellule
Journal des habitants Trait 2 Caps Mai 2022indd
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