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  • What is the earliest English literature?

    The earliest English prose work, the law code of King Aethelberht I of Kent, was written within a few years of the arrival in England (597) of St.
    Augustine of Canterbury.
    Other 7th- and 8th-century prose, similarly practical in character, includes more laws, wills, and charters.

  • What literary period in English literature existed from 1066 1500?

    The Middle English Period consists of the literature produced in the four and a half centuries between the Norman Conquest of 1066 and about 1500, when the standard literary language, derived from the dialect of the London area, became recognizable as "modern English." The most widely known of these writings are

  • What was the 15th century in English literature?

    The fifteenth century was called the “Century of the Ballad” as Chaucerians (or followers of Chaucer's work) both in England and Scotland composed some beautiful ballads including the “Ballad of Chevy Chase” and the Robin Hood Ballads.

  • Contents

    1 Old English literature (c. 450–1066)2 Middle English literature (1066–1500) 2.
    1) Medieval theatre.
    3) English Renaissance (1500–1660) 3.
    1) Elizabethan period (1558–1603) 4 Restoration Age (1660–1700) 4.
    1) Poetry. 5 18th century. 6 Romanticism (1798–1837) 7 Victorian literature (1837–1901) 8 20th century.
Introductory study of Chaucer's language, versification, and historical and literary background, including analysis and discussion of his long major poem,  Autres questions

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