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Diagnostics Assessment Programme manual

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  • How do you write a diagnostic assessment?

    Diagnostic assessments are sets of written questions (multiple choice or short answer) that assess a learner's current knowledge base or current views on a topic/issue to be studied in the course.

  • What are the diagnostic assessments?

    Assessment of a diagnostic test involves consideration of 3 components of effectiveness: accuracy, clinical utility, and patient benefit.
    To be effective, a test must be accurate, which is determined by sensitivity (the true-positive rate) and specificity (the true-negative rate).

  • How do you assess a diagnostic test?

    Page 1.
    Diagnostic Assessments.
    Definition: A variety of assessment tasks that are used to determine students' level of knowledge, skills, and understandings at the beginning of a course, grade level, unit and/or lesson.
    They test the students on what they already know.

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Diagnostics Assessment Programme manual