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Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communication

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  • What is a network protocol?

    Network protocols are formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and formats that define communication between two or more devices over a network. Network protocols govern the end-to-end processes of timely, secure and managed data or network communication. What are the three major network protocols?

  • What is an example of a layer protocol?

    Fast Ethernet, RS232, and ATM are protocols with physical layer components. Layer 1 Physical examples include Ethernet, FDDI, B8ZS, V.35, V.24, RJ45. What is TCP IP layer protocol model? TCP/IP Protocol Architecture Model. The OSI model describes an idealized network communications protocol family.

  • What is the difference between Ethernet and protocol suite?

    Ethernet - allows communication over a data link and the physical transmission of data on the network media. A protocol suite is a set of protocols that work together to provide comprehensive network communication services. May be specified by a standards organization or developed by a vendor.

  • What type of communication is a computer in a given network?

    A computer in a given network is communicating with a specific group of computers. What type of communication is this? What is a function of Layer 4 of the OSI model? What is an advantage of network devices using open standard protocols? Which IEEE standard enables a wireless NIC to connect to a wireless AP that is made by a different manufacturer?

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Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communication
Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communication

Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communication

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