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Sciences Po Aix

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  • What is Sciences Po Aix?

    Pushing boundaries, freeing minds. Sciences Po Aix, also referred to as Institut d'Études Politiques (IEP) d'Aix-en-Provence, is a Grande École of political studies located in Aix-en-Provence, in the South of France. It is associated with Aix-Marseille University and is part of a network of ten Institut d'études politiques, known as IEP.

  • How are the directors of Sciences Po Aix elected?

    The directors of Sciences Po Aix are elected for a five-year term by the executive board of the school. Some members of this board have been elected such students, teachers and staff representatives.

  • What are Sciences Po institutes?

    Sciences Po institutes are Grandes Écoles, a French institution of higher education that is separate from, but parallel and connected to the main framework of the French public university system.

  • What credit transfer system does Sciences Po Aix use?

    Sciences Po Aix recognises and applies the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The procedures for validating the mobility year are set out in the study regulations. Students are graded on a scale of 0 to 20 points, for more information see the table here (link to pdf Table Grading).

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Sciences Po Aix
Living in Provence Studying in Sciences Po Aix

Living in Provence Studying in Sciences Po Aix

Visite guidée de Sciences Po Aix

Visite guidée de Sciences Po Aix

Les campus de Sciences Po / Sciences Pos campus overview

Les campus de Sciences Po / Sciences Pos campus overview