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GP INTRODUCTION P1/9 26/09/02 10:35 Page 2

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  • What does G3 P1 P2 mean?

    Patient is currently pregnant, had one previous delivery and one previous miscarriage = G3 P1+1 (the +1 refers to a pregnancy not carried to 24+0). Patient is not currently pregnant, had a live birth and a stillbirth (death of fetus after 24+0) = G2 P2 Patient is not pregnant, had a twin pregnancy resulting in two live births = G1 P1

  • What is the GP G5 P2 & gptal?

    Answer: According to GP system she is G5 P2 and according to GPTAL she is 5-1-1-2-3. Rationale: Gravida includes all conceptions which includes present pregnancy and previous abortions as well. So, she is gravida 5.

  • What is a g3p1 & a g3p2?

    So for an example a patient is in her third pregnancy and has had 1 child deliver at 38 weeks. She is a G3P1. When she delivers the current pregnancy she will be a G3P2. So somewhere in the equation she had a loss before 20 weeks. What is all the talk about GTPAL? It stands for Gravidity, Term, Preterm, Abortions, and Living children.

Gravidity and Parity

Gravidity and parity (GP) are a 2-digit system to record pregnancy and birth history of the women. This is more basic method of recording obstetric history which only include information about woman’s number of pregnancies and births. Gravidityrefers to the total number of pregnancies regardless of its outcome. A pregnancy can end in a live birth,

Gtpal 5-Digit Recording System

GTPAL is the acronym for a 5-digit system of recording women’s obstetric history. It is just an extended version of the TPAL recording system with the addition of gravidity. GTPAL provides quick overview of the person’s term and preterm pregnancies, abortions, and number of living children. In the table below, you’ll see a description of the GTPAL

GP vs Gtpal Explained with Scenarios

Scenario 1: Gravida and Para for Twins Sara is currently 38 weeks pregnant and has a history of 1 spontaneous abortion at 12 weeks of gestation and 1 normal vaginal delivery of twin boys at 37 weeks of gestation. So, how would you record her basic gravidity and parity using GP system? Answer: According to GP system she is G3, P1. Rationale:She conceived total 3 times (i.e.: 1 abortion, 1 normal delivery, and current pregnancy). So, she is gravida 3 (i.e.: G3). But, she only carried 1 pregnancy to a stage of viability (beyond 20 we

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GP INTRODUCTION P1/9 26/09/02 10:35 Page 2