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  • What is a second cycle degree?

    Second-Cycle degree programs, commonly known as graduate programs, come after First-Cycle programs and are more specialized. These programs include Master’s degrees and focus on in-depth knowledge and expertise in a specific area. They usually last one to two years, and applicants often need a Bachelor’s degree for admission.

  • What is a first cycle degree program?

    First-cycle degree programs, often referred to as undergraduate programs, are the initial stage of higher education. These programs typically include Bachelor’s degrees and are designed to provide a broad foundation in a chosen field of study. They usually span three to four years, and students are exposed to a variety of subjects.

  • What is the difference between a single-cycle and a first-cycle degree?

    Single-cycle degree programs provide students with a comprehensive education in their chosen field and prepare them for professional practice. First-cycle degree programs, often referred to as undergraduate programs, are the initial stage of higher education.

  • What is the difference between a first cycle and a second cycle?

    One of the key differences among these degree programs is their duration. First-Cycle programs typically take three to four years, while Second-Cycle programs usually last one to two years. Single-cycle programs can vary but often span five to six years. Admission criteria differ for each program.

2021 2022 guide du master diplôme d'état d'architecte 2e année 1er
Choisir la France
Le diplôme d'Architecte
Chapitre 11 Intégrales et primitives
Chapitre XI Calcul intégral
Chapitre 11 : Integration et calcul de primitives
Chapitre 11 : Calcul intégral
Algorithmique et Langage C
Informatique (Algorithmique et Langage C)
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