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Au-delà du Relationnel (In-Memory NoSQL NewSQL)

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  • What is a NoSQL DBMS?

    NoSQL suggests nonrelational, distributed, flexible and scalable. Many NoSQL database systems are also open source. Additionally, some common features of NoSQL DBMSes include data clustering, lack of a fixed schema, replication support and eventual consistency, which is in opposition to the usual ACID transaction capability of SQL database systems.

  • What is a relational database?

    SQL (relational) database systems are at the heart of any information system. The fundamental principle behind relational data management is data independence, which enables applications and users to deal with the data at a high conceptual level while ignoring implementation details.

  • Why does NoSQL use a distributed architecture?

    To deal with huge workload and scalability challenges, it becomes necessary to use distributed computing environments to avoid latency and performance issues. Hence, most of the NoSQL data management systems follow a distributed architecture.

  • Do NoSQL systems have a communication overhead?

    However, the adequate details about architecture of the NoSQL systems are not discussed. The research work [ 32] has investigated the NoSQL systems category with regard to consistency models, CAP properties, and data model. It is found that causal consistency in several NoSQL systems has a communication overhead.

Identification of Feature Vectors

While reviewing the literature, we identified and outlined various properties and aspects that have a significant impact on the performance of a database system. Based on the analysis, we identified some basic properties related to transactional properties, fault tolerance, high availability, replication, data model, data storage, in-memory support

Selection and Architectural Assessment

In this section, we perform critical architectural assessment of major NoSQL and NewSQL systems based on identified feature vectors. Due to the huge number of systems, it was not practical to include all of them in our qualitative study. Most of the surveys in the literature have not defined their methodology and motivation for choosing the systems

Comparative Analysis

This section compares NoSQL and NewSQL systems discussed in previous section with respect to identified feature vectors. It will help in identifying architectural differences among the discussed systems. The comparative view of the NoSQL and NewSQL systems is presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The analysis has made it clear that behavior of the system

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Au-delà du Relationnel (In-Memory NoSQL NewSQL)