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  • What are the features of floriculture?

    Floriculture is an important branch of horticulture, which deals with cut or loose flowers, ornamental plants, such as foliage plants, trees, shrubs, climbers, palms, bamboo, cacti and succulents, dried flowers, essential oils and landscape gardening.8 mai 2019

  • What is the scope of floriculture industry in India?

    The floriculture industry is one of the most profitable sectors that can provide an avalanche of income and employment to many Indian farmers.
    The Indian floriculture market is projected to reach INR 47200 crore by 2022.

  • What is the importance of cut flowers?

    Cut flowers are commonly used to express gratitude, affection, and emotion on various occasions.
    Vase life and quality are the two most significant characteristics of a cut flower (Ichimura et al., 2002).

  • In Conclusion, we can conclude the Floriculture industry has many opportunities in the long run.
    Especially it is very beneficial to export Floriculture products.
    Besides, to boost the profits in Floriculture, one must get registration by Apeda.

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