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Who Files for Personal Bankruptcy in the United States?

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  • Who can file for bankruptcy in the US?

    Almost any person or company that owns property in the United States, or who has a permanent residence or business here, can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
    However, you must meet several criteria before you're eligible for a discharge—the order that wipes out qualifying debt.

  • Who is most likely to file for bankruptcy?

    Most cases of bankruptcy aren't caused by reckless spending but by financial hardship, and many are lower-income individuals who simply can't afford to deal with unexpected major expenses such as job loss or medical bills.

  • Who files for bankruptcy the most?

    Bankruptcy filers are middle income, more likely to be divorced, more likely to be black, more likely to have terminal high school degree or some college, and more likely to be middle-aged.
    Bankruptcy filers are more likely to be employed than the U.S. as a whole, and they are more likely to be employed 50-52 weeks.

  • Job loss, medical expenses, and escalating mortgage payments are among the common reasons people file for bankruptcy.
    Overspending can also contribute to a situation that forces someone to file for bankruptcy.
A bankruptcy case normally begins when the debtor files a petition with the bankruptcy court. A petition may be filed by an individual, by spouses together, or by a corporation or other entity. All bankruptcy cases are handled in federal courts under rules outlined in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

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Who Files for Personal Bankruptcy in the United States?