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Islamic (Sukuk) vs Conventional Financing

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  • How is Islamic sukuk different from conventional bond?

    In the case of a bond, the purchaser is acting as a lender and the bond issuer is the loan recipient.
    With Sukuk, the purchaser takes partial ownership of an asset with tangible value and then leases that asset back to the issuer for a set period.13 mar. 2019

  • What is the difference between Islamic and conventional financing?

    Islamic Banks recognize loan as non-commercial and exclude it from the domain of commercial transactions.
    Any loan given by Islamic Banks must be interest free.
    Conventional Bank treats money as a commodity and lend it against interest as its compensation.

  • What is the advantage of Islamic financial planning compared to conventional?

    In theory, Islamic finance differs significantly from conventional finance.
    Specifically, Sharia-compliant finance does not allow for the charging of interest payments (riba), as only goods and services are allowed to carry a price, does not allow for speculation, and prohibits financing of specific illicit activities.

  • An Islamic financial plan has the same objectives as a regular financial plan – to help people accumulate, protect and distribute their wealth.
    The difference is that an Islamic financial plan is created in accordance with Islamic values and principles.
The main advantage of sukuk over traditional bonds is that their value increases in relationship to the assets backing the sukuk certificate. If the asset raises in value, then the value of the ownership of that asset, backed by the sukuk, increases. Bonds do not have this characteristic.

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Islamic (Sukuk) vs Conventional Financing