
[PDF] You Gotta Have Heart: Congenital Heart Defects and Heart Surgery

In this lesson students will A) learn heart anatomy by doing an on-line investigation, B) dissect a sheep heart and learn about congenital heart defects, and C) 

[PDF] Anatomy/Physiology 15: Heart Dissection - Science from Scientists

Students will complete a dissection of a preserved sheep heart to identify This lesson is a general introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the 

[PDF] Pumping It Up: Heart Health Grades 5 to 9 - Ever Active Schools

The activities provided in this resource will help students understand and experience the health benefits that result from physical activity and may also be 

[PDF] PE Instructions

Physiology is the study of the functions, chemical you will need to calculate your resting heart rate (RHR), maximum heart rate (MHR), and your

[PDF] Biology, Anatomy & Physiology Title: Building Working Models of the

Plan Category: Biology, Anatomy Physiology Title: Building Working Models to help students study the physiology of the human heart and how it works

[PDF] Cardiac Output - Interactive Physiology

due to severe blood loss) results in low venous return and therefore decreased stroke volume Sympathetic activity increases heart rate, maintaining cardiac 


to integrate heart rate and activity data across the curriculum information about a person's physiology LESSON PLAN: THE SEASONS OF THE HEART

[PDF] PLAY 60 Challenge_Lesson_What Happens When You Move_FNL

Lesson Plan Subject Area: Science What methods are used to measure heart rate? How does physical activity intensity affect physiology? Objectives:


Lesson Aim: understanding and learning the structure of the heart and of its mechanisms, as I C PETRICU, I C VOICULESCU- Human anatomy and physiology,


5E LESSON PLAN SUBJECT AREA/ COURSE/ GRADE LEVEL: Science/ Anatomy and Physiology/ 11-12th systems of the body, ABO blood groups, anatomy of the heart, 

[PDF] 5E LESSON PLAN - Weebly 127887_75e_lesson_plan.pdf



Science/ Anatomy and Physiology/ 11-12th


7. Use models to determine the relationship between the structures in and functions of the

cardiovascular system (e.g., components of blood, blood circulation through the heart and systems of the body, ABO blood groups, anatomy of the heart, types of blood vessels). a. Engage in argument from evidence regarding possible prevention and treatment options related to the pathology of the cardiovascular system (e.g., myocardial infarction, mitral valve prolapse, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure). b. Design and carry out an experiment to test various conditions that affect the heart (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiogram [ECG] output).


Digital Citizenship- all students were allowed access to digital media and practiced safe and responsible

usage of it. Empowered Learner- all students were given the opportunity to use technology to express their knowledge of the given subject. Knowledge Constructor- students were able to use technology to create things that allowed them to learn the material better. Innovator Designer- all students used technology to create their own slideshow project. Creative Communicator- students used technology to communicate to the class what they learned for their research.

Global Collaborator- students had to work in groups on two lessons and one project and it showed them

how they could work together to achieve a common goal. They also had to reach out globally to research new innovations in heart related surgeries or procedures.


¾ To give the students an understanding of the heart. ¾ To give the student an understanding of the complete circulatory system. ¾ To give the students a working knowledge of the ultrasound and the digital blood pressure machine. ¾ To give the students a knowledge of new medical terms and technology. ¾ To give the students working knowledge of performing in a laboratory setting. ¾ To give the students a knowledge about how to build and present a presentation.


9 Students will be given a keynote type of lesson explaining the circulatory system and

how the heart works for the auditory learners. We will do hands on labs for the kinesthetic learners, and we will do virtual labs, as well as, live labs for the visual learners. Students with special needs will be paired in groups with other students that can assist them with the information that they will need for their projects.


9 The teacher will take the students to the computer lab where we will do the following

things to kick off this unit. Students will use the following website to work through the virtual pig dissection and pig heart dissections by themselves. This will allow the students to explore without the distraction of smells or the feel of the real pig. It should allow them to become more familiar with the circulatory system so that when we do the live dissection they will be more confident and less squeamish. https://www.whitman.edu/academics/departments-and-programs/biology/virtual-pig/circulatory- system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7BxV9IdeMs

9 Next the teacher will introduce the students to more of the everyday science of how the

heart works in relation to blood pressure. Students will use this website to run experiments on different blood pressure readings to try and discover the cause for the different measurements. I will have them work by themselves so that they can get a grasp of what is actually taking place. They will then print off their results along with a graph and an explanation of their results. http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/LS23/LS23.html

9 After I have them engaged, I will do an assessment using polleverywhere.com to see just

what they know. I will also be sure and allow them to do this poll again at the end of this unit so they can see what they learned. https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/28K2XdlgNjLj5w7


9 Students will be placed into different groups of 2-3 students and perform a live

dissection of the pig. The teacher will walk them step by step through the dissection of the pig͛s circulatory system as well as the pig͛s heart. One student will be required to take notes about the heart and other parts of the circulatory system to be used later on their project and for their lab practical. I will also provide an ultrasound machine and small live animals that the groups will be allowed to perform ultrasounds on a live circulatory system. The teacher will walk them through the basics of how to use the machine and what they are seeing and then I will turn them loose. This will require two members of the group to restrain the animal while the other member uses the ultrasound. We will only have one or two machines for this part so we will connect the feed to the promethean board so that the other students can view as well. They will be required to take notes as well as pictures. This will give them a whole new experience and allow them to see the circulatory system in a whole new way.

9 Students will be placed into groups of two and then they will have to use digital blood

pressure machines to check their blood pressure. They will do a sitting BP, standing BP, laying down BP and a BP after running in place for two minutes on each member of the group. They will then collect their data in Google sheets where they can make spreadsheets and graphs that will reveal their findings.

9 I have created a quiz on http://www.socrative.com for my students to login (parsons9346, SOC-

23847073) and take for their lab practical.

See PDF Quiz Lab Practical

9 I have also posted a question on here for the students to comment on and create some

discussion on for your explanation section. https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/bd43ad3f-60ae-4017- b0b6-37c0eec6e7e2


9 I have created a keynote presentation to clear up any misconceptions or other things

that might be confusing to my students. I will also provide this describing wheel graphic organizer for them to fill in as we go over the circulation of the blood through the body.

See PDF Presentation.

9 Students will be allowed the opportunity to use their phones to take a quiz that will

allow them to be sure they know the main concepts from this unit. http://goformative.com/student/#/assignments/WCJZ492

9 If the aboǀe link doesn͛t work please use my login͗ parsonst@uwa.edu and password:

sambo7 to view my assessment.


9 Students will be required to download the free app Shadow Puppet Edu for their first

project. The students will work in the same groups that they worked in during the live dissection. The students will make a video using Shadow Puppet and the pictures that they took during their dissections. They will need to explain each function of the heart and the circulatory system and have pictures in their video for proof of their understanding. I will provide a rubric to keep them on task during this project.

See Shadow Puppet Rubric PDF

Student example of this project is pictured above

9 Students will also be required to do an individual presentation of their research about

one new medical technology related to the cardiovascular system. Their project will need to be a minimum of 5 pages long and they can choose from the following presentation tools; PowToon, SlideRocket or Keynote. I will also provide them a rubric to help them stay on task with what will be required.

See Medical Technology Project PDF

Student example of this project is pictured above


Engagement Assessment: https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/28K2XdlgNjLj5w7 Exploration Assessments: http://www.socrative.com Class Parsons9346 Lab Practical Quiz


Explanation Assessment: http://goformative.com/student/#/assignments/WCJZ492 Elaboration Assessment: see PDF Rubrics for the two projects listed in the section above.


Maxim Integrated (2010) Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor. https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/app-notes/index.mvp/id/4689 Image#2 McDonald, Colin (September 2013) Fetal Pig Dissection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VkF6rmuqD0 Image #1 Tavistock Small Animals (2014) Ultrasound Diagnostics. http://tavistocksmallanimals.com/ultrasound- diagnostics/ Image #3
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