[PDF] python backslash in variable


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nom de variable ; ex def sert dans python pour définir une fonction ; on ne Ex : nbBoites = 567 // 12 # le double slash ( // ) est le symbole de cette 

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When Python finds a backslash in a string, it is interpreted as a We can insert variables into strings using “variable substitution” (note: this

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22 mar 2018 · on peut la couper en deux avec le caractère \ (backslash) pour des En Python, la déclaration d'une variable et son initialisation 

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Assume string variable a holds 'Hello' and variable b holds 'Python', then: Raw strings don't treat the backslash as a special character at all

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represented by using escape sequences by using back slash (\) followed by one or more characters Note: Variables are not Storage Containers in Python

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Variables are the basic unit of storage for a program A list of keywords are built in to Python and should be avoided as variable names

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in Python, and most programming languages, variable names must begin with a letter, to use an actual backslash as itself, and not as part of a special

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