[PDF] advanced web programming syllabus

  • What is advanced web programming?

    A course that takes the principles learned in Visual Basics and applies them to the environment of the web.
  • What is Web development syllabus?

    Web Development course covers various topics under Web Development such as Database Management, Web Publishing, Web Design, and Web Programming. Web Development Courses can be of various types, namely Full Stack Web Development, Front End Web Development, Back End Web Development, Web Application, etc.
  • What is Web programming subject?

    Web programming refers to the writing, markup and coding involved in Web development, which includes Web content, Web client and server scripting and network security. The most common languages used for Web programming are XML, HTML, JavaScript, Perl 5 and PHP.
  • Web programming is used to create websites, online stores, web applications, and other online services that are accessed through the Internet. Web programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Python are used to create these web-based applications.
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