[PDF] MatLab - Systems of Differential Equations

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Solving Systems of Differential Equations

We will now go over how to solve systems of differential equations using Matlab. Consider the system of differential equations y. /. 1. = y2 y. /. 2. = -. 1. 5.

Lab 3: Using MATLAB for Differential Equations 1

Use MATLAB to plot the solution for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and find the approximate value of y(1). →Hand In: A printout of your plot and the value of y(1). II. LINEAR 

Solving ODE in MATLAB

solving ordinary differential equations. In these notes we will only ... Solving a system of ODE in MATLAB is quite similar to solving a single equation

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Matlab

6 февр. 1999 г. These operations follow the rules of linear algebra and matrix arithmetic. >> A*x. %% wrong dimensions; (3×3)*(1×3). >> A*y.

Using MATLAB to solve differential equations numerically

Also the command helpwin gives an interface to the on-line help system. You probably want to save all material for this course in a directory

Numerical Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations

After a discussion of each of the three methods we will use the computer program Matlab to solve an example of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation using 

Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

solve systems of differential equations for military calculations ... MATLAB has employed several different algorithms for solving differential equations.


We will now go over how to solve higher order differential equations using Matlab. The function M-File for this differential equation should be saved as ...

Solving Systems of Differential Equations

We know how to use ode45 to solve a first order differential equation We will now go over how to solve systems of differential equations using Matlab.

MATH 350: Introduction to Computational Mathematics - Chapter II

Chapter II: Solving Systems of Linear Equations. Greg Fasshauer. Department of Applied Mathematics How to solve linear systems by “division” in MATLAB.

Using MATLAB to solve differential equations numerically

To solve this equation numerically type in the MATLAB command window for some systems of differential equations the error control will force the solver ...

Solving ODEs in Matlab

30.01.2009 ?. I. Defining an ODE function in an M-file. II. Solving first-order ODEs. III. Solving systems of first-order ODEs.

Ordinary Differential Equations in MATLAB

1.2.3 Solving Systems of ODE . MATLAB has an extensive library of functions for solving ordinary differential equations. In these notes.

Ordinary Differential Equations

17.09.2013 ?. At each step they use Matlab matrix operations to solve a system of simultaneous linear equations that helps predict the evolution of the ...

Numerical Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations

After a discussion of each of the three methods we will use the computer program Matlab to solve an example of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation using 

MatLab - Systems of Differential Equations

Below we provide three ways in MatLab to find ue the equilibrium solution. The two most common means to solving this linear system are to use the program 

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Matlab

6.02.1999 ?. m shows how to solve the linear oscillator equation using the. Matlab routine ode45 and plot the resulting solution. The main thing to note is ...

[PDF] Solving Systems of Differential Equations

more than this We will now go over how to solve systems of differential equations using Matlab Consider the system of differential equations

[PDF] Ordinary Differential Equations - MathWorks

2 oct 2011 · MAtlAB has several functions that compute numerical approximations to solu- tions of systems of ordinary differential equations The suite of 

[PDF] Ordinary Differential Equations - MathWorks

17 sept 2013 · solution to the linear system of ordinary differential equations Here is a summary table from the Matlab Reference Manual For each

Solve a System of Differential Equations - MATLAB & Simulink

Solve a system of several ordinary differential equations in several variables by using the dsolve function with or without initial conditions

[PDF] Solving ODE in MATLAB - TAMU Math

MATLAB has an extensive library of functions for solving ordinary differential equations In these notes we will only consider the most rudimentary 1 Page 2 

[PDF] Using MATLAB to Solve Differential Equations - CSUN

ECE 350 – Linear Systems I MATLAB Tutorial #3 Using MATLAB to Solve Differential Equations This tutorial describes the use of MATLAB to solve 

[PDF] Using MATLAB to solve differential equations numerically - CSUN

Also the command helpwin gives an interface to the on-line help system You probably want to save all material for this course in a directory say dynamics;

[PDF] Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Matlab

6 fév 1999 · These operations follow the rules of linear algebra and matrix arithmetic >> A*x wrong dimensions; (3×3)*(1×3) >> A*y

[PDF] MatLab - Systems of Differential Equations - Joseph M Mahaffy

Below we provide three ways in MatLab to find ue the equilibrium solution The two most common means to solving this linear system are to use the program 

[PDF] Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) in MATLAB

How to solve ODEs using MATLAB ? How to model biological systems using ODEs in MATLAB If an ODE is linear it can be solved by analytical methods

  • How do you solve a system of ODE equations in MATLAB?

    Solve System of Differential Equations
    First, represent u and v by using syms to create the symbolic functions u(t) and v(t) . Define the equations using == and represent differentiation using the diff function. Solve the system using the dsolve function which returns the solutions as elements of a structure.
  • Can I solve differential equations on MATLAB?

    MATLAB offers several numerical algorithms to solve a wide variety of differential equations: Initial value problems. Boundary value problems. Delay differential equations.
  • How to model system of differential equations in MATLAB?

    Build the Model

    1Add a Math Function block and connect the input to signal B . Set the Function parameter to square .2Connect the output from the Math Function block to a Gain block. Set the Gain parameter to 3e7 .3Continue to add the remaining differential equation terms to your model.
  • [ t , y ] = ode45( odefun , tspan , y0 ) , where tspan = [t0 tf] , integrates the system of differential equations y ' = f ( t , y ) from t0 to tf with initial conditions y0 . Each row in the solution array y corresponds to a value returned in column vector t .

Fall 2015Math 337

MatLab - Systems of Differential Equations

This section examines systems of differential equations. It goes through the key steps of solving systems of differential equations through the numerical methods of MatLab along with its graphical

solutions. The system of differential equations is introduced. Analysis begins with finding equilibria.

Near an equilibrium the linear behavior is most important, which requires studying eigenvalue problems. Numerical routines can simulate the system of differential equations, while the special routinepplaneallows easy study of the system with excellent graphics. The general two dimensional autonomous system of differential equations in the state variables x

1(t) andx2(t) can be written:

x1=f1(x1,x2), x2=f2(x1,x2), where the functionsf1andf2may be nonlinear. This section will concentrate on the case whenf1 andf2are linear to parallel the lecture notes,Systems of Two First Order Equations. The Greenhouse/Rockbed Modelfrom the lecture notes is given by the linear system of differential equations:?u1 u2? =?-13 834


u 1 u 2? +?14 0? This example will provide the primary case for ourMatLabcommands listed below.


Equilibria occur when the derivative is zero. In the generalcase where the right hand side of the system of differential equations is nonlinear, this problem can be very complex. However, when the functionsf1andf2are linear, then finding equilibria reduces to solving a linear system of equations. This is very basic for MatLab and can be accomplished in a number of ways. For the greenhouse/rockbed model above, the equilibrium model satisfies: ?-13 834


u 1e u 2e? =?-14 0? .(1)

This is more simply written:

Au e=b, whereAis the matrix of coefficients,ueis the equilibrium solution, andbis the nonhomogeneous vector from the external environment. Below we providethreeways in MatLab to findue, the equilibrium solution. The two most common means to solving this linear system are to use the programlinsolveor to take advantage of MatLab"s ability to invert a matrix. Define the variables,then the following commands readily provide the solution.

A = [-13/8 3/4;1/4 -1/4]; b = [-14;0];

u = linsolve(A,b) u = inv(A)*b Both results produce the variableu= [16,16]Tfor the equilibrium solution. The third method is to use the row-reduced echelon form for transforming an augmented matrix into the identity with the solution in the last column. The MatLab program for this isrref. (There used to be a common teaching tool calledrrefmovie, which showed all the steps of the process including the names of the operation, but this function appears to have been removed after Version

10 of MatLab.) Below we show the commands necessary for this solution method.

B = [A,b]


The results are the following:

B=?-1.6250 0.7500-14.0000

0.2500-0.2500 0? ?

1 0 16

0 1 16?

Linear Analysis

As noted in the lecture notes,Systems of Two First Order Equations, the originalstate variable,u, is translated to the new state variable,v=u-ue, resulting in the new linear system of differential equations centered at the origin: ?v1 v2? =?-13 834


v 1 v 2? (2) or more simply v=Av. For this problem we seek solutionsv(t) =ξeλt, and the result is theeigenvalue problem: (A-λI)ξ=0,where det|A-λI|= 0, provides thecharacteristic equationfor the eigenvalues andξare the corresponding eigenvectors.

For this system with distinct real eigenvalues,λ1andλ2, and corresponding eigenvectors,ξ(1)and

(2), the solution of System (2) satisfies: v(t) =c1ξ(1)eλ1t+c2ξ(2)eλ2t, wherec1andc2are arbitrary constants. Once again MatLab is an excellent program for solving this eigenvalue problem. The MatLab command [v,d] = eig(A) produces the eigenvalues on the diagonal of matrixdwith the corresponding eigenvectors appearing as columns of matrixv. For this example MatLab produces: d=?-1.7500 0




,(3) which gives the general solution to System (2) as v(t) =c1?-0.9864


e -1.75t+c2?0.4472


e -0.125t. Solution to the System of Linear Differential Equations Sinceu(t) =v(t) +ue, it follows that the general solution to (1) is u(t) =c1?-0.9864


e -1.75t+c2?-0.4472 -0.8944? e -0.125t+?1616? The specific solution to an initial value problem, whereu(0) =u0, is readily found using MatLab and solving the vector equation: c


We use our example above withu0= [5,25]T(orv0= [-11,9]T) to illustrate the appropriate MatLab commands. (Assume that the eigenvectors are stored invas presented in (3).) Let c= [c1,c2]Tbe vector for which MatLab is solving, then v0 = [-11, 9]"; c = linsolve(v,v0) produces the solutionc= [14.5050,-7.3962]T, so the unique solution to the IVP is u(t) = 14.5050?-0.9864


e -1.75t+ 7.3962?0.4472


e -0.125t+?1616? The MatLab"s numerical solver,ode23, extends easily to systems of 1storder differential equa- tions. Below we show how to both use the numerical solver and the exact solution above to graph theu(t). First the right hand side of System (1) is made into a MatLabfunction


2% Greenhouse DE ( rhs)

3yt1=-(13/8)?y(1) +(3/4)?y(2) + 14;

4yt2= (1/4)?y(1)-(1/4)?y(2) ;

5yp= [yt1,yt2] ";

6end The function plotting the numerical and exact solutions is given by

1mytitle="Greenhouse/Rockbed ";% Title

2xlab=" $t$ hrs ";% X-label

3ylab="Temperature ($ˆ\circ$C) ";% Y-label

4 5u0 = [5 ,25] ";

6[t,u] =ode23(@greenhouse,[0 ,10] ,u0) ;% simulate heat with ode23

7tt=linspace(0 ,10 ,200) ;

8u1=-14.3077?exp(-1.75?tt)+3.3077?exp(-0.125?tt)+16;% solution u1

9u2= 2.3846?exp(-1.75?tt)+6.6154?exp(-0.125?tt)+16;% solution u2

10 11 plot(t,u(: ,1) ,"b-","LineWidth ",1.5) ;% Plot greenhouse air (numeric )

12holdon% Plots Multiple graphs

13plot(t,u(: ,2) ,"r-","LineWidth ",1.5) ;% Plot greenhouse rocks (numeric )

14plot(tt,u1,"c : ","LineWidth ",1.5) ;% Plot greenhouse air , u1

15plot(tt,u2,"m: ","LineWidth ",1.5) ;% Plot greenhouse rocks , u2

16plot([0 10] ,[16 16] ,"k: ","LineWidth ",1.5) ;% Plot equilibrium

17grid% Adds Gridlines

18text(0.6 ,11 ," $u1$ "," color "," blue "," FontSize ",14 ,...

19"FontName","Times New Roman "," interpreter "," latex ") ;

20text(3 ,22 ," $u2$ "," color "," red "," FontSize ",14 ,...

21"FontName","Times New Roman "," interpreter "," latex ") ;

22legend(" Air (numeric ) ","Rockbed (numeric ) "," Air ( exact) ", . . .

23"Rockbed ( exact) ",4) ;

axis([0 10 0 30]) ;% Defines limits of graph


5 10 15 20 25
u1 u2 thrs

Temperature (◦C)


Air (numeric)

Rockbed (numeric)

Air (exact)

Rockbed (exact)

The graph shows how well the numerical routineode23in MatLab tracks the solution to System (1). As we saw in the lecture notes, the heat transfers rapidly into the air compartment, then slowly the solution tends toward the equilibrium solution.

Phase Portrait - 2D

This final section shows how to createtwo dimensional phase portraitsanddirection fields. You begin by downloading the MatLab files for pplane and dfield by John Polking from Rice University. The current version ispplane8, which is invoked by having this m-file in your current directory and typingpplane8in the command window of MatLab. After invokingpplane8a window appears where you type in your differential equation,including the limits on yourstate variables. This will generate a new window showing the direction field for the phase portrait. With the mouse you can click at any point and have a solution trajectory be drawn. Default for this is both directions in time. (To geta forwardtrajectoryonly one selectSolution directionunder the Optionsmenu.) One of the most powerful features is the ability of this program to find equilibriaand determine theeigenvaluesnear that equilibrium.

This feature is found under the

Solutionsmenu sayingFind an equilibrium point. Select this feature, then click on the graph where you think an equilibrium point may be. A large red dot appears at the equilibrium, and a new window opens telling the coordinates of the equilibrium, the nature of the equilibrium, and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the linearized system nearquotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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