[PDF] Rules of the Road When making a left turn

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Drivers Manual Chapter 7: Safe Vehicle Operation

You must give a proper turn signal before turning or changing lanes. The Follow these rules when making a U-turn: • Always yield right of way to oncoming.

Driver Guide - Chapter 4

You should only make a U-turn when it is safe. U-turns should not be made on Use your right turn signal to let others know you are exiting. • Do not ...

Section 3: Safe Driving

To make a right turn you should be in the lane furthest to the right. Signal because these vehicles must make wide turns. These. No-Zones or blind spots ...

Page 1 of 26 Ques. No. Question Option-1 Option-2 Option-3

Before you make an "U" turn you should. Select the neutral gear and the indicator Which of the following should you do before a bend round about or corner?

Drivers Manual

Generally you should pass on the left side of the other vehicle. However


15 авг. 2021 г. (2) When an obstruction exists that makes it necessary to drive on the left side of the roadway. Under these conditions the driver must yield ...

Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road 2023

Bicyclists should ride on the right side of the right lane when safe except to pass or make a left turn. When there is only one lane for traffic traveling in 

Driver knowledge test questions Class C (car) licence

right-hand turn at the intersection shown you must give way to -. - An oncoming vehicle going straight ahead or turning left and any vehicle on your right.

Tasmanian Road Rules

Make sure to do this before you turn on the vehicle and start driving. Remember: • seatbelts must be securely fastened for them to work properly. • never put 

2022 Indiana Drivers Manual: Chapter 7

Follow these rules when you are passing other vehicles: • Make sure the passing lane is clear of traffic as you must return to the right side of the road 

Section 3: Safe Driving

These requirements do not apply in highway work zones. Section 3: Safe Driving To make a right turn you should be in the lane furthest to the right.

Driver Guide - Chapter 4

These rules tell drivers who goes first and who must wait in different traffic situations. The law says who must yield the right-of-way; it does not give 


what road you drive on you must obey these “rules of the road. You can turn left on a red light when driving on a one-way street and turning left onto.

Page 1 of 26 Ques. No. Question Option-1 Option-2 Option-3

bridge from opposite side you should right. U-turn prohibited. 3. 11. When a vehicle approaches an ... The driver of a vehicle shall not take U- turn.

Wisconsin Motorists Handbook

1 août 2021 Tips you can follow to be a safer driver 62 ... you are struck from the side or make ... If it is safe to do so you may turn right.


Personalized information you should know about points against your driver events such as a car stopping to make a turn or pulling out from a side road.

Rules of the Road

For vehicles turning left at a green signal light you must yield the right of way to oncoming you have the right of way and it is safe to do so.

Driver knowledge test questions Class C (car) licence

If you intend to turn left are you required to give a signal? Before driving on a freeway

Drivers Manual

We ask that you do your part to ensure safety on the road. traffic and pedestrians every time you make a turn and your speed should also be adjusted.

Follow these best practices to prevent right turn accidents

a right turn safely: n Get in the far right lane in advance of the turn n Activate your turn signal n Check behind you You need to track vehicles behind and to the side of you in case they try to pass during your turn n Slow down to the appropriate speed and utilize the proper gear Stop if traffic controls / signs require you to do so

Safe Turning Procedures for School Bus Drivers

Liz makes several attempts to turn the bus at a sharp right turn In order for it to be a safe turn she must miss the cones by 12-36 inches At one point she turns too soon and a cone gets hit on the right side of the bus Kathy leaves it up to Liz to try and establish the bus’s turning point

What should a safe driver do when making a right turn?

a safe driver does which of the following frequently checks rear-view and side mirrors as you approach an intersection to make a right turn, you should turn on your right turn signal and do which of the following stay in your lane through the entire procedure

What is the first rule of a safe and legal turn?

to move in the proper lane well before The first rule of a safe and legal turn is in the center If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle _______ of your lane.

What are the rules for making a right hand turn?

Right Turns Allow space for right-hand turns: • Turn slowly. • Turn wide as you enter the turn. Keep the rear of your vehicle close to the curb. • Don’t swing wide to the left to make a right-hand turn. A following driver may try to pass you on the right side of your vehicle.

Do you know how to make a safe three-point turn?

You must know how to execute a safe three-point turn, as they are a standard point of assessment on practical driving tests state-wide. If you need to reverse your direction of travel on a street that is too narrow for a U-turn and has no driveways to allow a two-point turn, making a three-point turn will be your only option.

  • Past day

Rules of the Road

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'43(86=0;"867CB Tips: •Stopfor ayello ws ignalunlessy ouaretooclos e tot heinte rsectiontostopsafely.Int hatc ase,driv e cautiouslythroughth eintersection. •Neverspee dupforayel lows ignalt o" beat" there dsigna l.•Unlessthere isasignsho wing "n oturnonr ed," youma yturnr ightonre dafterstop ping and makingsuret hatyouca nturnsaf ely.•Iti sill egaltomakealef ttur nonaredl ig ht,excep t forle ftturnsa taredlight from ao ne-way streetto anotherone-wa ystreet.

Arrowsign allightscont rolturningat someinter-

sections.Whenfacingagreen signallighta nd agreen arrow,turningtrafficiscon trolledbythear rows ignals andth roughtrafficis controlledbyth egre ensignal lights. •A greenarrow meansthaty oucanturni nthe directionofthearr owan dproce edthrough thein tersection.•A yellowarrowm eansthatyo ushouldsto p,unless youar etoocl osetot heintersec tion tos topsafel y.

Int hatcase, drivecautiously

throughtheint ersect ion. •Thefl ashingredsignalh as thesa memeanin gasthestop sign:Stopanddonot gounti l youca nenter theinterse ction withoutinterf eringwith approachingtraffic. •Thefl ashingyelloworam bersignalhas thes ame meaningasawar ning si gn:Slowdownand proceedwith caution.

Rules of the Road

GreenandY ellow

Arrow Signal


Flashing Red,

Yellow, and Green

Signal Lights

•Thefl ashinggreensigna lmeansthat facingtraffi c maytu rnleft,g ostraightahead ,orturnright. Sometra fficlanesareco ntrolledby specia llane-control signallight s.Theseareusedonsomecomm uterro uteswhen thedi rectionofheaviestt raff icchangesthrough outtheday. Theli ghtsaremount eddire ctlyoverthelan ethatthey control.Neverdriveinalane underaredX sign al , regardlessofanyothe rsig nsorsi gnals.Youm aydrive inl anesundern eathagreensignal,but yo umustobey allot hersignsan dsignals.

Trafficsignsa ndpavement

markingsregulat etheflow oft raffic,warnyouofconditio ns ont heroad ahead,an dinform youab outroutesa nddistances.

Iti simp ortanttoknowthesha pes

oft hesign sandtounde rstand theirmean ings.SeeSection3for informationaboutsigns .

Rules of the Road


LaneCon trol

Signal Lights

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Refertoth efol lowing situations:

•Ati ntersectionswithouttraffic signals,pedest rianshave theri ghtofwayif they areinm arke dcrosswa lksori n unmarkedcrosswa lksformed byi maginarylinesexten ding acrossthest reets. •Ati ntersectionscontrolledby trafficsignal s,pedestrians mustobe ythesame signal sas driverstravel linginthesame direction.Pedestriansshould notst arttocross duri ngared ory ellowsignal. •Whencro ssingwithagreen signal,pedestrianshavethe rightofwa yove rallve hicles, includingthosetur ningacross thepaths oft hepede strians. •Ify ouarem ovingt hroughaninte rsectionwithag reen signal,makesureyouloo kinalldi rectio nstomake sure allpe destrianshavefinishedt heircros sing. •Ifa tr afficsignalcha ngestoyellow orredwhilea pedestrianremainsin thestreet,youm usta llowth e pedestriantocomplet ethe crossingsafely. •Ats omeinter sections,specialsignalsinstructpedestrians eitherto"Wa lk"or"Don"tWalk. "Whenthesesignals areop erating,pedestriansmustobeythemratherthan regulartraffi csignals.Pedes trianscrossingwiththe "Walk"signalhavetherigh tofwayju stasth eydowhile crossingwithagr eenlight .

Rules of the Road


Green Signal,

Turning Right



•Theve hiclealreadyin theintersectio nhas therig ht ofw ayahea dofanycart hath asnoty etente red thein tersection.•Whentwo facing vehicles approachaninter sect ionat thesa metime,b othdrivers canmo vestraig htaheador turnrig ht.Ifonedriveris going straightwhileth eotherwant s tot urnleft, thedriverwho wantstotu rnle ftmustyi eld theri ghtofwayan dwai t untilthet urncan bemade safely. •Whentwo ormore vehi cles reachanin ters ectionatthesametime,thec arto thelef t mustyie ldtheright ofway. •Regardlessofthe"rig htof way"youfeelyouhave , alwaysbe100 perc entrea dytoyi eldtoany oncoming vehicleswhenapp roaching anintersectionifitwill avoi d a collision. •Don otpass anyvehic lethat isstoppedatacr osswalkt o allowaped es triantocrossthestree t. Tips: •Makeapr op erlanechange beforeen teringthe intersection.Neverchangelaneswhiley ouaremoving throughaninte rsec tion. •Whenmak ingaleftturn ,d onotturn yourwheelsto thele ftuntily ouaresurey oucanc omplet etheturn . A collisioncouldpush yourvehicl eintoonc omingtra ffic.

Keepyou rwheelss traight.


Rules of the Road



of Way - Vehicle already in intersection •Beforestart ing,stopping,orturning,checktomake suretha tthiscan bedonesa fely. •Whenlea vingaprivatedr iv ewayorparkingl ot,stopand yieldther ightof waytoall othervehi clesandpedestria ns.

Driversofemer genc yvehiclesand

othervehi cledriversmust sharethe responsibilityofhelpingtode al witheme rgencies.Policecars, ambulances,andfiredepartmen t vehicleswithfla shinglig htsand sirenshavet herighto fway.

Followthese guidelines whenapproachingorbei ng

approachedbyanemerg ency vehi cle: •Ast heemer gencyvehicleapproa chesfromaheado r behind,movetotheright edge orcurb oftheroada nd stopcom pletely. •Remainstopp eduntiltheemer gencyvehic lehasp assed, oru ntilyouare direct edtomo ve bya pe aceofficer . •Neverfoll owanemergenc yfir e vehiclewithin 150metres. •Neverdriv eorparkwit hin1 50 metresofane merg ency vehicle thathas stoppe dtoinvestigate a collisionortogivea ssis tanc e. •Neverdriv eamotorveh ic leover a firehose unlessin structedto dos obya poli ce officeror a firefighter.

Rules of the Road





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50 km per hour







80 km per hour







100 km per hour







110 km per hour







Drivingslowly isespecially dang erousjustbeyondthecr est ofa hi llorarou ndac urve.Theslow ly movingvehicleis oftenhidd enbythehillo rcur ve.Fas ter-movi ngve hicles maycr ashintothe slower-m ovingv ehiclesbeforethey cansl owdown. Yoush ouldnotdrive yourve hicleatsuc haslowsp eedas tob lockthenor maland reasonablefl owoftr affic.Aslow drivermusts topwhere itissafe todosoanda llow bloc ked traffictopass .Onc etheblockedtraffic haspas sed,theslow drivermayre sumedr ivinguntilth efollowingtraf ficbegins tob uildup. A safetyscanis yourbest defe nceforav oidingha zardsand otherdang ers.Thismeansfrequentlym ovingyourh eadand youreye stocheck what ishappenin gallarou ndyo ur vehicle.Frequentlychecktherearviewa ndsideview mirror s, andbe sure todoasho ulde rche ck foryourblindspot s, especiallybeforetur ningor changinglanes.

Rearand sidevi ewmirror sassist

youin seei ngwhatisbehi ndyour vehicle.However,thereisanarea one achsidet hatyouca nnotsee withyou rmirrors .Thesearecalled blindspot s.Theyareusuallytoth e backlef tandback righto fyour vehicle.Youmaynotseep eople, vehicles,orotherobjec tswhen theyare inthes espo ts.Makeit a practicetoturnyo urhe adtolook overyour shoulder checkingyourbli ndspots. Itispartic ularlyimportantt o checkyour blindspo tsbeforech anginglane sorturning.

Rules of the Road

BlindSpot s


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