[PDF] UML Java Programmers The class diagram for this

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Mapping Models to Java Code

• Mapping class diagrams to tables. Page 3. 3. © 2007 Bernd Bruegge • Goal: We have a UML-Model with inheritance. We want to translate it into source code. • ...

Class Objects



Class diagrams represent structure of the system. © Department of Computer Science UMD. Page 5. Java → UML : Clock Example. • Java class Clock { // name. // 


system state: a) class diagram; b) initial state; c) intermediate wrong The examples in Figure 4 illustrate navigability. The association Key-Door is.

OOP Analysis & Design - Exemplified by UML

Example-1: Java Code for corresponding Class Diagram. Example-2: Aggregation & Generalisation. Page 13. Lecture Note Prepared by Prof. Dr. Karim Mohammed 

Refactoring UML Class Diagram

(1999) informally analyze refactoring techniques on. Java source code explaining the structural changes through examples with class diagrams. Fanta 

Roundtrip Engineering for Classes: Mapping between UML Diagram

example debug) generated Java code anyway

Improve your Java development efficiency with Modelio and UML

The value of the modeling approach can be seen when the previous example is extended forward in time. Imagine that after a few iterations of the code


Drawing a java precisely has an example uml diagram java a good. Generate code is very simple uml diagrams are their parent class diagram.

UML Class Diagrams

Example of a UML diagram for a single class (based on the code on pg 186 of the textbook): the relationships present in the following Java code fragment:.

UML Java Programmers

UML for. Java. Programmers. Robert Cecil Martin. Object Mentor Inc. code. Indeed it is the intent for a Specification level diagram to be turned into ...

Implementation of UML concepts in Java

For example consider the. UML class diagram of the figure. The arrow in the Professor-Course association means that having a professor instance we can query it.

Design Patterns Explained Java Code Examples

Design Pattern With Java. And delves into class and object diagrams with the help of detailed examples. RabbitMQ Tutorials RabbitMQ. As explained and 

Uml Diagram Exercise ? - m.central.edu

help of detailed implementation advice numerous code samples

Mapping Models to Java Code

Mapping class diagrams to tables (in UML). Another. System Model. Program. (in Java). Another. Program ... More Examples of Model Transformations.

Class Objects


8 UML Class Diagrams

Sep 2 2009 Java programs usually involve multiple classes

Roundtrip Engineering for Classes: Mapping between UML Diagram

3.1.2Other UML Diagrams. 9.1.3Synchronization of UML Models and Java Code. ... FIGURE 6-8.13 ASSOCIATION EXAMPLE WITH JAVA CLASS [56].

UML for Java Programmers - uocgr

UML has three main kinds of diagrams Static diagrams describe the unchanging log- ical structure of software elements by depicting classes objects and data structures; and the relationships that exist between them

UML Class Diagrams - University of Washington

Outline 2 • Designing classes • Overview of UML • UML class diagrams • Syntax and semantics • Examples design design phase: from requirements to code Software design 4 •Design: specifying the structure of how a software system will be written and function without actually writing the complete implementation • A transition

Implementation of UML concepts in Java

As an example we will develop a small Java application comprises three files: Building java Owner java and Main java Main is a small program that creates instances of buildings and owners and associates them by creating the appropriate links Class diagram A possible implementation of the Building class

Searches related to uml diagram to java code examples PDF

Most common number types in Java code Q5 Work on SomeTypes java Example: Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5 10 20 30); Several steps are happening here: 1 Java reserves space for a Rectangleobject 2 Rectangle’s constructor runs filling in slots in object 3 Java reserves a variable named box 4 boxis set to refer to the object

How do you create a UML diagram?

After installing the PlantUML plugin, we'll be able to create UML diagrams using "File" -> "New". Let's create a "UML class" diagram. This will automatically generate a template with an example. We'll delete its contents and add our own. To understand how to represent this in text, take a look at the PlantUML manual: plantuml class-diagram.

What is the purpose of a UML diagram?

A UML diagram is a diagram based on the UML (Unified Modeling Language) that represent visually a program/code with its main actors, roles, actions, artifacts, or classes in ordering a person to understand better and maintain the information of the program/code.

What are the different types of UML diagrams?

The current UML standards call for 13 different types of diagrams: class, activity, object, use case, sequence, package, state, component, communication, composite structure, interaction overview, timing, and deployment. These diagrams are organized into two distinct groups: structural diagrams and behavioral or interaction diagrams.

What is a UML use case diagram?

A Use Case diagram is a UML diagram that represents the dynamic model of the system and is referred to as a ‘Behavior diagram’ describing the system. Use Case diagram represents the system’s functionality connecting all four perspectives, i.e. design, implementation, process, and deployment.

  • Past day

UML for Java


Robert Cecil Martin

Object Mentor Inc.

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

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The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and pro- grams to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.



ISBN 0-13-203837-4

Publisher: Alan Apt

Production Editor:

Cover Designer:

Copy Editor:

© 2002 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.

A Simon & Schuster Company

Martin, Robert Cecil.

The Principles, Practices, & Patterns of Agile Software Development /Robert Cecil Martin. p. cm. "An Alan R. Apt Book."

Includes index.









This book is dedicated to my grandchildren:

XXX: the son of Micah and Angelique.

Alexis: the daughter of Angela and Matt.

It has been said that grandchildren are the desert of life. If that's so, what am I supposed to do with all the many main courses I'm not done with yet?

Source Code and Contact Information:

Much of the source code presented in this book can be obtained from the Object Mentor Inc. web site.www.objectmentor.com/UMLFJP

Robert C. Martin: unclebob@objectmentor.com

Object Mentor Inc.: info@objectmentor.comwww.objectmentor.com iChapter :

Chapter 1:

Overview of UML for Java Programmers

..................................1 Diagram Types......................................................................................2 Class Diagrams...................................................................................4 Object Diagrams.................................................................................5 Sequence Diagrams............................................................................6 Collaboration Diagrams .....................................................................6 State Diagrams ...................................................................................7

Chapter 2:

Working with Diagrams

Why Model?...........................................................................................9

Why build models of software? .......................................................10 Why should we build comprehensive designs before coding? ........10 Making Effective use of UML............................................................10 Communicating with Others............................................................11 Back end Documentation.................................................................13 What to keep, and What to throw away...........................................14 Iterative Refinement...........................................................................15 Behavior first....................................................................................15 Check the structure...........................................................................17 Envisioning the code........................................................................19 Iterative Refinement.........................................................................20 When and how to draw diagrams......................................................21 When to draw diagrams, and when to stop. .....................................21 CASE Tools......................................................................................22 But what about documentation?.......................................................23 And Javadocs?..................................................................................23

Chapter 3:

Class Diagrams


The Basics............................................................................................25

An Example Class Diagram...............................................................28

The Details...........................................................................................30

Class Stereotypes..............................................................................30 Abstract classes ................................................................................31 Association Stereotypes ...................................................................35 Inner Classes ....................................................................................36 Anonymous Inner Classes................................................................36 Association classes...........................................................................37 Association Qualifiers......................................................................38

Chapter 4:

Sequence Diagrams

The Basics............................................................................................41

Objects, Lifelines, Messages, and other odds and ends...................41 Creation and Destruction..................................................................43 Simple Loops....................................................................................44 Cases and Scenarios.........................................................................44 Advanced Concepts.............................................................................48 Loops and Conditions.......................................................................48 Messages that take time....................................................................49 Asynchronous Messages..................................................................51 Multiple Threads..............................................................................53 Active Objects..................................................................................54 Sending Messages to Interfaces. ......................................................54 iiiChapter :

Chapter 5:

Use Cases

Writing Use Cases...............................................................................57 What is a use case.............................................................................58 The Primary Course .........................................................................58 Alternate Courses.............................................................................59

What else? ........................................................................................59

Use Cases Diagrams............................................................................60 System Boundary Diagram ..............................................................60 Use Case Relationships....................................................................61

Chapter 6:

Principles of OOD

Design Quality.....................................................................................63

Design Smells...................................................................................63 Dependency Management................................................................64 The Single Reponsibility Principle (SRP).........................................64 The Open Closed Principle (OCP)....................................................66 The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)..........................................78 The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)......................................80 The Interface Segregation Principle..................................................81

Chapter 7:

The Practices: dX

Iterative Development.........................................................................85 The Initial Exploration.....................................................................85 Estimating the features.....................................................................86 Planning Releases.............................................................................87 Planning Iterations............................................................................87 The midpoint....................................................................................88 iv Velocity Feedback............................................................................89 Organizing the Iterations into Management Phases........................89 What's in an Iteration?.......................................................................89 Developing in Pairs..........................................................................90 Acceptance Tests..............................................................................90

Unit Tests .........................................................................................91

Open Office......................................................................................92 Continuous Integration.....................................................................92

Chapter 8:


Java Packages......................................................................................95

Dependencies ...................................................................................96 Binary Components -- .jar files..........................................................97 Principles of Package Design.............................................................97 The Release/Reuse Equivalency Principle (REP)............................98 The Common Closure Principle (CCP)............................................98 The Common Reuse Principle (CRP) ..............................................99 The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP)....................................99 The Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP).......................................99 The Stable Abstractions Principle (SAP).......................................100

Chapter 9:

Object Diagrams

A Snapshot in Time...........................................................................103

Active Objects....................................................................................105

Chapter 10:

State Diagrams

vChapter :

The Basics..........................................................................................109

Special Events................................................................................110 Super States....................................................................................111 Initial and Final Pseudo States.......................................................113 Using FSM Diagrams........................................................................113

SMC ...............................................................................................114

ICE: A Case Study .........................................................................116

Chapter 11:

Heuristics and Coffee

The Mark IV Special Coffee Maker................................................123 A Challenge....................................................................................126 A Common, but Hideous, Coffee Maker Solution.........................126 Vapor Classes.................................................................................127 Imaginary Abstraction....................................................................128 God Classes....................................................................................129 A Coffee Maker Solution..................................................................129 Crossed Wires ................................................................................130 The Coffee Maker User Interface...................................................131 Use Case 1: User pushes brew button............................................131 Use Case 2: Containment Vessel not Ready..................................132 Use Case 3: Brewing Complete. ....................................................132 Use Case 4: Coffee all gone...........................................................134 Implementing the Abstract Model..................................................134 Use Case 1. User pushes Brew Button (Mark IV) .........................135 Implementing the isReady() functions...........................................136 Implementing the start() functions.................................................137 How does M4UserInterface.checkButton get called?....................138 Completing the Coffee Maker........................................................139 The Benefits of this design.............................................................141 How did I really come up with this design?...................................141

Chapter 12:

SMC Remote Service: Case Study

vi Caveat Emptor................................................................................153 Unit Tests.......................................................................................154 The SMCRemote System..................................................................154 SMCRemoteClient Command Line...............................................155 SMCRemote Communication Protocols........................................155 The Loggers....................................................................................164 The Remote Sessions. ....................................................................165 RemoteSessionBase .......................................................................166 The Remote Registrar.....................................................................169 The Remote Compiler....................................................................171

FileCarrier ......................................................................................176

SMCRemoteClient Conclusion......................................................177 Three Level FSM ...........................................................................192 Tests for SMCRemoteClient.......................................................204 Tests for SocketService.....................................................................211 Tests for SMCRemoteServer..................................................214

Other Tests.........................................................................................224

ServerController (SMC Generated)...............................................227 1 ________________________ 1 ________________________

Overview of UML for Java


The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical notation for drawing diagrams of software concepts. One can use it for drawing diagrams of a problem domain, a proposed software design, or an already completed software implementation. Fowler 1 describes these three different levels asConceptual,Specification,andImplementation.Thisdeals with the last two. SpecificationandImplementationlevel diagrams have a strong connection to source code. Indeed it is the intent for aSpecificationlevel diagram to be turned into source code. Likewise it is the intent for anImplementationlevel diagram to describe existing source code. As such there are rules and semantics that diagrams at these levels must follow. Such diagrams have very little ambiguity, and a great deal of formality. On the other hand, diagrams at theConceptuallevel are not strongly related to source code. Rather they are related tohumanlanguage. They are a shorthand used describe con- cepts and abstractions that exist in the human problem domain. They don't follow strong semantic rules and therefore their meaning can be ambiguous and subject to interpretation. Consider, for example, the following sentence:A dog is an animal. We can create a ConceptualUML diagram that respresents this sentence. (See Figure 1-1.) This diagram depicts two entities namedAnimalandDogconnected bygeneraliza- tionrelationship. AnAnimalis a generalization of aDog.ADogis a special case of an Animal. That's all the diagram means. Nothing more can be inferred from it. We might be asserting that our pet dog, Sparky, is an animal; or we might be asserting that dogs, as a

1. [Fowler00], p??

2Diagram Types

biological species, belong to the animal kingdom. Thus, the diagram is subject to interpre- tation. However, the same diagram at theSpecificationorImplementationlevel has a much more precise meaning: public class Animal {}public class Dog extends Animal {} This source code definesAnimalandDogas classes connected by aninheritance relationship. Whereas theConceptualmodel says nothing at all about computers, data pro- cessing, or programs, theSpecificationmodeldescribes part of a program. It is unfortunate that the diagrams themselves don't communicate what level they are drawn at. Failure to recognize the level of a diagram is the source of significant miscom- munication between programmers and analysts. AConceptuallevel diagramdoes not define source code, nor should it. ASpecificationlevel diagram that descibes the solution to a problem does not have to look anything like theConceptuallevel diagram that describes that problem. All the rest of the diagrams in this book will be at theSpecification/Implementation level, and will be accompanied by corresponding source code where feasible. We have seen our lastConceptuallevel diagram.

Diagram Types

Below is a very quick tour of the primary diagrams used in UML. Once you read through it, you will be able to read and write most of the UML diagrams you will usually need. What remains, and what subsquent chapters address, are the details and formalisms that you will need to become proficient in UML. UML has three main kinds of diagrams. Static diagrams describe the unchanging log- ical structure of software elements by depicting classes, objects, and data structures; and the relationships that exist between them. Dynamic diagrams show how software entities change during execution by depicting the flow of execution, or the way entities changeFigure 1-1

A Dog is an Animal



3Chapter : Overview of UML for Java Programmers

state. Physical diagrams show the unchanging physical structure of software entities by depicting physical entities such as source files, libraries, binary files, data files, etc., and the relationships that exist between them. Consider the code in Listing 1-1. This program implements a map based upon a sim- ple binary tree algorithm. Familiarize yourself with the code before you consider the dia- grams that follow.

Listing 1-1


public class TreeMap {TreeMapNode topNode = null; public void add(Comparable key, Object value) { if (topNode == null)topNode = new TreeMapNode(key, value); elsetopNode.add(key, value); public Object get(Comparable key) { return topNode == null ? null : topNode.find(key); class TreeMapNode { private final static int LESS = 0;private final static int GREATER = 1; private Comparable itsKey;private Object itsValue; private TreeMapNode nodes[] = new TreeMapNode[2]; public TreeMapNode(Comparable key, Object value) { itsKey = key; itsValue = value;} public Object find(Comparable key) { if (key.compareTo(itsKey) == 0) return itsValue;return findSubNodeForKey(selectSubNode(key), key); private int selectSubNode(Comparable key) { return (key.compareTo(itsKey) < 0) ? LESS : GREATER; private Object findSubNodeForKey(int node, Comparable key) { return nodes[node] == null ? null : nodes[node].find(key); public void add(Comparable key, Object value) { if (key.compareTo(itsKey) == 0) itsValue = value;else addSubNode(selectSubNode(key), key, value);}

4Diagram Types

Class Diagrams

TheClass Diagramin Figure 1-2 shows the major classes and relationships in the program. It shows that there is a

TreeMapclass that has public methods namedaddand

get. It shows thatTreeMapholds a reference to aTreeMapNodeinavariablenamed topNode. It shows that eachTreeMapNodeholds a reference to two otherTreeMapNode instances in some kind of container namednodes. And it shows that eachTreeMapNode instance holds references to two other instances in variables nameditsKeyand itsValue.TheitsKeyvariable holds a reference to some instance that implements the Comparableinterface. TheitsValuevariable simply holds a reference to some object. We'll go over the nuances of class diagrams in a subsequent chapter. For now, there are only a few things you need to know. Rectangles represent classes, and arrows represent relationships.

In this diagram all the relationships areassociations. Associations are simpledata relationships in which one object holds a reference to, and invokes methods

private void addSubNode(int node, Comparable key,Object value) {if (nodes[node] == null) nodes[node] = new TreeMapNode(key, value);else nodes[node].add(key, value);}

Figure 1-2

Class Diagram of TreeMapListing 1-1 (Continued)


+ add(key, value) +get(key)


+ add(key, value) + find(key)



2 nodes


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