[PDF] Symbolic Logic 1 Quotations are from Howson unless otherwise

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The Logic ofUnless

equivalent to 'if not' or


In addition to these standard con- nectives there are in English numerous non-standard connectives

Unless and Precedence of Connectives

First Steps in Formal Logic. Additional Note. OUDCE

Unless is Or Unless мA Unless A is Invalid

language expression “unless” into intuitionistic logic and also (but perhaps A logical system is quasi-complete if and only if every unprovable formula.

An Action Computation Tree Logic With Unless Operator

2 Action Computation Tree Logic with unless operator. The ACTL with unless operator is a propositional branching time temporal logic in- terpreted over 

CSU Math 301 Midterm 2 Name: • Unless stated otherwise explain

Unless stated otherwise explain your logic and write out complete sentences. #4 is a short answer question. If you write the correct mathematical expression 

Exceptive Conditionals: The Meaning of Unless

5 дек. 2018 г. The main ingredients are: (i) Indefinites are not existential quantifiers as traditional logic maintained; instead they are interpreted as ...


“Employment Business” means Logical Personnel 1.2 Unless the context otherwise requires references to the singular include the plural. ... Worker of the ...

Elemental Prep

The Loophole in Logical Reasoning


In addition to these standard con- nectives there are in English numerous non-standard connectives

Unless is Or Unless ?A Unless A is Invalid

unless = (inclusive) disjunction. 36 commonly taught to students and implicitly accepted in much professional. 37 work on logic (including much work on 

Fuzzy logic with unless-rules

Fuzzy Logic With Unless-Rules. Dimiter Driankov*. Hans Hellendoorn. Siemens AG. Dept. ZFE IS INF3. Otto-Hahn-Ring 6. 8000 Munich 83. Germany. Abstract.

Threat Assessment Alchemer Survey Draft

Logic: Hidden unless: #6 Question "Does your district have a school-based threat assessment program?" is one of the following answers ("Yes").

Symbolic Logic 1 Quotations are from Howson unless otherwise

Symbolic Logic 1. Quotations are from Howson unless otherwise indicated. Preliminaries. Declarative sentences = sentences that are used to say things 

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Chapter 7: Conditionals

1 juin 2004 We next turn to the logic of conditional or “if … then

Unless and Precedence of Connectives

First Steps in Formal Logic. Additional Note. OUDCE

Exceptive Conditionals: The Meaning of Unless

In this paper I investigate the meaning of one word of English unless

So until-or unless-such a theory is developed


1135: The Logic of Only Only-If and Unless

THE LOGIC OF "UNLESS'* (Received 12 May 1981) It is standard practice to interpret 'unless' as a truth-functional connective equivalent to 'if not' or less frequently to 'if and only if not' I intend to challenge this practice by showing that when 'unless' connects sentences


Formulas are strings of symbols In sentential logic the symbols include all the upper case letters the five connective symbols as well as left and right parentheses Certain strings of symbols count as formulas of sentential logic and others do not as determined by the following definition

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What is the logical form of unless?

The logical form of sentences containing the word unless is important to examine because so many errors and tricks occur with the word. It usually means the same as or, although many people, on first hearing this, swear it is wrong. You're going to go to jail unless you pay your taxes, right? So, either you pay your taxes or you go to jail.

What is a introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking?

3.2 Inference to the best explanation and the seven explanatory virtues This is an introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking. The goal of the textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate arguments.

How do you write unless if a sentence is not true?

Considering "unless" means "without", "if not", we have several ways to translate " P unless/except R ". Note that Without R, P is true. We can write " ? R ? P ". Either P or R is true. We can write " P or R " If P fails, R is the reason. We can write " ? P ? R " Moreover, " P ? Q " is logically equivalent to " ? P or Q ", also " ? (P and ? Q) "

What are the logical forms of sentential logic?

Let's display the logical forms of the two phrases in sentential logic, using these abbreviations: A = You get an A in Math 101. B = You get an A- or better average on all the homework. Now, “A only if B” is true but “A if B” is false. So "A only if B" and "A if B" are not equivalent; they must be saying something different.

  • Past day

  • The translations of "unless" and "except" into symbolic logic.

    unless: 1) except on the condition that : under any other circumstance than 2) without the accompanying circumstance or condition that Retrieved from here Exercise 3: lgo algo-sr relsrch richAlgo" data-bf3="645fee376a3e5">math.stackexchange.com › questions › 614481The translations of "unless" and "except" into symbolic logic. math.stackexchange.com › questions › 614481 Cached

Symbolic Logic 1

Quotations are from Howson, unless otherwise indicated.


Declarative sentences = sentences that are used to say things capable of being true or false. [Questions, commands, nonsense sentences, ... are not declarative sentences.] Inference involves premise(s) and conclusion. For our purposes the premises and conclusions are

declarative sentences. We are also restricting ourselves to inferences that purport to be deductively


Deductive validity

For an inference to be deductively valid it is impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises are true. NB: 'impossible' - not just actually true when premises are true. NB: what is not being said here. Nothing said about the actual truth or falsity of premises and conclusion in any particular argument or inference; validity is a conditional matter, what happens if the premises were true. Since we are not interested in how things actually are, but only in what would happen if, we are not tied down to particular cases; what we are looking at is how declarative sentences behave in certain structures or forms (whence 'formal logic'). We construct a mini-language to capture the very few things we are interested in.1 The syntax of a truth-functional logical language, principle of composition The simplest mini-language is a matter of putting declarative sentences together into compound sentences, without looking at what is going on inside the basic (or atomic) declarative sentences. The items that are used to build up compound sentences are called connectives. There are various alternative ways of arriving at a mini-language that can do what we want with respect to these compounds; the most natural way is to use four connectives (corresponding roughly to what in English is said by 'not', 'and', 'or', and 'if ... then ...').

So our mini-language has:

an unlimited set of declarative sentences, which we can abbreviate by using P, Q, ... a set of connectives:

1A sad fact about logic compared to mathematics is that there are any number of alternative ways of writing the

simple languages. Hodges uses P, Q, etc. as abbreviations for particular declarative sentences, φ, ψ, etc. for sentence

variables; Howson uses A, B, etc. for particular sentences, X, Y, for arbitrary sentences. There are similar variations

for the connectives across different writers. I will try to follow Hodges here, except when quoting Howson.


Rough translationConnectiveName of connective

not ¬ negation and∧conjunction or∨disjunction if ... then ... →conditional The first connective in the table, corresponding to 'not', operates on a single sentence to create a compound; it is called a unary or 1-place connective. We write the connective in front of the sentence upon which it operates. The other connectives take two sentences to form a compound and are therefore called binary or 2-place connectives. We write them between the two sentences they operate on. There is no limit to the compounding of sentences out of other sentences. Given the way we are writing them, it is necessary to use brackets to disambiguate complex compounds. So, for instance, P (∧Q ∨R) is a different compound from (P ∧Q) ∨R.2 "Denoting arbitrary sentences ... by the letters X, Y, Z, etc., we can give a compact statement of the principle of composition in which bracketing is automatically taken care of. The statement has two clauses, one unconditional, the other conditional: A, B, C, etc. are sentences, and if X and Y are sentences, then so are ¬X, ¬Y, (X Y), (X Y), (X → Y) ∧ ∨ (in informal discussion the outer brackets will generally be dropped)." (p. 6) We can use this syntactic rule to determine whether or not any arbitrary string made up of our vocabulary elements (letters, connectives, brackets) is or is not a well-formed formula (often abbreviated to wff) of the mini-language.

The semantics

In our mini-language we associate with each atomic sentence one of two truth-values 'true' and 'false', which we will write as T and F. We are not going to explain what truth or falsity are; they are taken to be well-enough understood. For our mini-language, any particular sentence has one and only one of the two values. The crucial assumption in our mini-language is that the truth-value of compound sentences depends on the truth-values of their atomic components and the rules associated with each connective, and on nothing else. This is what it is for our logic and the connectives in our mini-language to be truth-functional. Given that the truth-value of a compound sentence depends on its atomic sentences and the

2Given footnote 1 you will not be surprised to find different conventions for bracketing as well; more significantly

there is a notation that permits one to do without bracketing altogether (so-called 'Polish' notation), but it is easier

for machines to read than for humans. 2 connectives, we can evaluate the truth-value of any compound by considering all the possible combinations of truth and falsity of the atomic sentences. This results in a truth table for the compound. If there is only one atomic sentence in a compound there are only two possibilities to consider, so the truth table has two rows (not counting the heading). If there are two atomic sentences, each one may be true or false; for the truth of the first there are two possibilities for the second, and for the falsity of the first there are two for the second, so there are 4 rows to be considered. In general, for n atomic sentences there are 2n rows to be calculated -- truth tables can get very big very quickly. (There are various ways of drawing up a truth table. I write the atomic propositions in the first set of columns and then the compounds to be evaluated in the next; I have the last of the atomic columns alternating T and F, the penultimate column alternating 2 Ts and 2 Fs, the antepenultimate column alternating 4 Ts and

4 Fs, and so on.)

The usual connectives (negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional) and truth- functional equivalence To construct a truth table for any arbitrary compound we need to know the rules for each connective, which can themselves be presented as a truth table. Thus for the 1-place connective we shall call 'negation' we have the following assignments: TF FT That tells you that when negation operates on a true sentence the result is false, and when it operates on a false sentence the result is true. (It would be nice if negation in real life, or natural languages, were so straightforward!) Conjunction is fairly straightforward. The conjunction of two sentences is true if they are both true, false otherwise. The table looks like this:

φψφ ψ∧TTT

TFF FTF FFF With disjunction and the conditional there are wider gaps between our mini-language and ordinary English. In the case of disjunction people often think that a disjunction offers an exclusive choice (A or B, but not both), while our mini-language finds it easier to treat disjunctions as inclusive, so it treats a disjunction of two sentences as true when at least one of them is true: 3

φψφ ψ∨TTT

TFT FTT FFF In the case of what are called conditionals we have to accept the fact that our mini-language does not behave like natural languages. There are reasons to think we can get away with the distortion involved. In any case, the rule for conditionals in our mini-language is: TTT TFF FTT FFT Note the terminology associated with conditionals: the sentence following 'if' is the antecedent, that following 'then' is the consequent. We have allowed an unlimited number of compound sentences to be built up from two atomic sentences and our connectives. But there are only four sets of possible combinations of two truth-values (the four rows of our tables above) and only 16 resultant columns for the compound, so there will be very many compound expressions that have the same resultant value in each row of their truth table. We can say that they are truth-functionally equivalent. To see this in action, and to see in addition why we can get away with ignoring exclusive disjunction as a primitive connective, consider these two tables:

φψφ xor ψ

TTF TFT FTT FFF That is how an exclusive disjunction would behave: given two atomic sentences, the exclusive disjunction is true if one and only one of them (it doesn't matter which) is true. Now in the following table we have a slightly more complex compound sentence, using our existing connectives, which ends up having exactly the same final column, and is thus truth- functionally equivalent to exclusive disjunction. We can use this compound whenever we have to express the exclusive notion. It says, in effect, for some particular pair of sentences, (either P or Q) and (not (both P and Q)). (I have added a row at the bottom to indicate the order in which compounds are evaluated using the rules for the connectives. The final column, which tells us the values for the compound, is in bold as well.) 4 φψ(φ ψ)∨∧(¬(φ ψ))∧TTTFFT




Truth-functional equivalence is a fact about two statements in our mini-language. It is not a truth-function of the two statements. But it is an important notion and has its own symbol: . ⇔Given that we can find many truth-functionally equivalent sentences, one can ask whether we could dispense not merely with exclusive disjunction but also with any of the other connectives we have chosen for our mini-language. The answer is in fact Yes. We can get by with negation and just one of the others. But it is more intuitive to use the four we have chosen since they have some resemblance to the natural English we are using to talk about them. In fact we can do everything we currently do using only one more unusual connective (and there are two alternative ways of doing that). Going in the other direction, it is common to have a symbol for a connective that is easily definable in terms of those we already have: the biconditional: (if P then Q) and (if Q then P). The symbol we use is unsurprisingly ↔. As we will see next time, the second half of the expanded form means roughly what 'Q only if P' means, so the biconditional can be read as 'if and only if' (which is often abbreviated to iff). 5quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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