[PDF] back end development projects

15 Backend Projects for Developer Portfolios
  • A User Authentication System. Image Source.
  • Build a Landing Page. Image Source.
  • Build Your Own Web Server.
  • Build a Finance Application.
  • Create a Text Analyzer.
  • Build a To-Do App.
  • Build a CLI App.
  • Build an API.
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  • What are backend projects?

    Backend projects or Backend development engineering generally involves the work around building logic on the service/server side, which mainly includes designing and building APIs(Rest, Soap or grpc), focusing on creating and optimizing databases and writing business logic for project features and requirements.5 sept. 2023

  • What is back end development example?

    Amazon is a good example of Back End development in action.
    You go on Amazon and search for a new shirt.
    A Back End dev uses server-side language to pull all the information about shirts from a database.
    That information is then processed in an application and returned to the user through Front End language.

  • What programs do back end developers use?

    Python, Java, PHP, and Ruby are common backend programming languages for web development.
    Due to its compatibility with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Python is one of the most popular programming languages.

  • What programs do back end developers use?

    How to Become a Back-end Developer?

    1Step 1: Learn a Programming Language. 2Step 2: Get a Clear Idea About the Data Structure and Algorithm Basics. 3Step 3: Learn Frameworks. 4Step 4: Learn the Database Concept. 5Step 5: Hands-on Training. 6Step 6: Ideate and Develop. 7Step 7: Launch Your Idea.

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Back-end developer. Back-end developers are responsible for implementing the required core functional- ities of the FACTS4WORKERS solution.