[PDF] cell fixation protocol for flow cytometry

A. Solutions and Reagents

NOTE: Prepare solutions with reverse osmosis deionized (RODI) or equivalent grade water. 1. 20X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS): (#9808) To prepare 1 L 1X PBS: add 50 ml 20X PBS to 950 ml dH2O, mix. 2. 16% Formaldehyde(methanol free). 3. 100% methanol (if required). 4. Incubation Buffer: Dissolve 0.5 g Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) (#9998) in 100 ml 1...

B. Fixation

NOTE: If live cell staining is desired, proceed to Immunostaining (Section D). Please refer to the product webpage and product-specific protocol to determine whether it is compatible with live cell staining. 1. Collect cells by centrifugation and aspirate supernatant. 2. Resuspend cells in 0.5–1 ml 1X PBS. Add formaldehyde to obtain a final concent...

C. Permeabilization

NOTE: Please refer to the product-specific protocol on the product webpage for correct permeabilization conditions. Not all products are compatible with methanol permeabilization. 1. Permeabilize cells by adding ice-cold 100% methanol slowly to pre-chilled cells, while gently vortexing, to a final concentration of 90% methanol. 2. Incubate 30 min o...

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What are the flow cytometry protocols?

The flow cytometry protocols below provide detailed procedures for the treatment and staining of cells prior to using a flow cytometer. Direct staining of cells applicable where the fluorophore is directly linked to the primary antibody

How do I use a fixation and permeabilization kit for flow cytometry?

Alternatively, you can use our fixation and permeabilization kit for flow cytometry ( ab185917 ), which is suitable for most sample types. Fix the cells in your chosen fixative. Spin down cells to a pellet (200 g, 5 mins, 4°C), discard the supernatant, and resuspend the pellet in fixative. Incubate cells with the fixative as indicated below.

How do you use a flow cytometry staining buffer?

Combine the recommended quantity of each primary or fluorophore-labeled antibody in an appropriate volume of Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer so that the final staining volume is 100 µL (i.e., 50 µL of cell sample + 50 µL of antibody mix) and add to cells. Pulse vortex gently to mix. Incubate for 30 minutes at 2–8°C. Protect from light.

How do you fix cells with a fixative?

Fix the cells in your chosen fixative. Spin down cells to a pellet (200 g, 5 mins, 4°C), discard the supernatant, and resuspend the pellet in fixative. Incubate cells with the fixative as indicated below. Tip: The fixation will require optimization for different antigens.

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Fixing Cells with Paraformaldehyde (PFA) for Flow Cytometry

- Fixation can be done from 0.5-2%. - Prepare your cells for flow cytometry (block stain


Centrifuge for 5 min at 300 g discard the supernatant

Cell permeabilization for the assessment of T lymphocyte

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Fixation of samples using aldehydes has been reported to result in cell losses (910

Preparation of Cells and Reagents for Flow Cytometry

Mar 5 2017 A protocol for flow cytometric analysis of intracellular antigens in single-cell ... Cells can be fixed by resuspending pellet in fixation.

Staining Intracellular Antigens for Flow Cytometry

In this protocol fixation is followed by permeabilization resulting in the creation of pores in the cell membrane that require the continuous presence of the 

Staining Cell Surface Targets for Flow Cytometry

Prepare cells as described in “Cell Preparation Protocols for Flow Cytometry” Cytometry Staining Buffer and add 100 µL of IC Fixation Buffer or 2 mL of ...

The antibodies used for surface staining can be added after BrdU

Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer Thermo Fisher (Cat. Protocol C: Staining Dead Cells with Thermo Fisher Fixable Viability eFluorTM Dyes” for additional.

Protocol: Cas9 detection using flow cytometry

Abcam Cell fixation and permeabilization kit protocol This assay uses flow cytometry to quantify Cas9 expression on an individual cell basis.

Flow Cytometric Method for the Detection of Flavonoids in Cell Lines

Compared to cells without fixation which were obtained using the protocol pub- lished by Lee et al.