[PDF] air canada customer service contact us

  • How do I contact Air Canada customer service?

    Real-time flight information is also available on our Flight Status page, or by calling our automated flight information system at 1-888-422-7533.
  • How do I contact Air Canada 24 hours?

    You can rebook to a different flight at no charge within 5 days from your scheduled departure. Call us at 1-888-247-2262 and our specialists would be happy to assist you (for international and other numbers, visit aircanada.com/othernumbers).
  • How do I contact Air Canada to change my flight?

    For bookings made directly with Air Canada (including aircanada.com, the Air Canada app, and our contact centres), or with Kayak, Google Flights, and Skyscanner you can manage your booking directly, or call 1-888-247-2262 (international and other numbers) if you need assistance.
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Air Canada Customer Support ACF008-UA (2020-06)

CUSTOMER SUPPORT. Contact information for. Air Canada Air Canada Express and Air Missing Baggage (Canada and U.S. only):. Telephone.: 1-888-689-2247.

Damage Redress for Korean Air Customers

Damage Redress Procedure and Action Plan for Air Canada Mailing Address: Air Canada Korea Customer Relations Department Room 1303

Air Canada

completing the Supplier Information Form please contact us at Company Contact Information: Street Address ... Customer-Cabin Supplies & Services.

Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are the benefits of the

ACGlobe Customer Service at 1-800-221-9033 (hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central aircanada.com the Air Canada Call Centre

Notice of Denied Boarding Compensation – EU Member Countries

in respect of Air Canada's flights departing from We will give you in written form the contact details of ... Air Canada Customer Relations Office.

Fly Your Bike - Air Canada

To book or inquire about the Fly Your Bike program please contact the Our Customer Service agents can provide information on the requirements for.


please contact cargo.e-support@aircanada.ca ask us for an excel sheet template. please contact your local Air Canada Cargo Sales Manager.

Long Delay and Flight Cancellation Notice under the Canadian Air

See below for information on Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations to file a claim or for any concerns and complaints.

Notice of Denied Boarding

For more information consult our tariffs' refusal to transport rule at www.aircanada.com/ Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations for any concerns.

Powered mobility aid information form / Formulaire aide à la mobilité


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