[PDF] Casablanca Stock Exchange A new horizon for international investors

  • Can I invest in stocks from Morocco?

    Any Moroccan can invest in the stock market, all you need to do is head to your bank and ask for a “stock holding bank account”.
    It's like a normal bank account but used for stocking your shares instead of your money.
    And one thing to remember, this account usually comes free of charge.

  • How to invest in international IPO?

    When investing in international IPOs, you may choose to invest through IPO mutual funds or international exchange-traded funds (ETFs) instead.
    You might go this route if you want more diversification, or if you don't have access to IPO shares.

  • What is the CSE Casablanca Stock Exchange?

    The Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE), which achieves one of the best performances in the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), is Africa's third largest stock market after Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa) and Nigerian Stock Exchange in Lagos.

  • What is the CSE Casablanca Stock Exchange?

    Opening an Overseas Trading Account with a Foreign Broker
    You can also open an overseas trading account directly with a foreign broker with a presence in India.
    Some such brokerages are Charles Schwab, Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, etc.
    Ensure that you understand the fees and charges before opening the account.

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Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative 2016 Report on Progress

Special thanks to Allianz Global Investors Aviva Investors

What role for MENA Stock Exchanges in Corporate Governance?

Casablanca Stock Exchange organised as a private mutually-owned company

Item 09 – Sustainable Stock Exchange (SSE) Initiative Report on

20-Sept-2017 Special thanks to Allianz Global Investors Aviva Investors

The Role of Stock Exchanges in Fostering Economic Growth and

The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) is the global industry association for exchanges and clearing houses. Investment horizons: Stock markets provide.

World Investment Report 2015: Reforming International Investment

country MNEs remained unchanged. FDI by special investors varied. The significance of private equity funds in the global M&A market with $200 billion.


Only on the assumption that cross-listing would lead to additional investor volume (i.e. new investors from the foreign market trading a security they did not 

What role for MENA Stock Exchanges in Corporate Governance?

Even in markets where the volume of trades by institutional investors is relatively high. (NASDAQ Dubai Abu Dhabi


Special thanks to Allianz Global Investors Aviva Investors


missed the extraordinary surge of private international investment in recent the Casablanca stock exchange from 10 000 to 200 000 individuals.

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4.5 Participation of institutional investors in SME financing the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) ... The Casablanca. Stock ...

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