[PDF] best workout apps for teenage guys

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  • Fitness Apps for Teens.
  • Blogilates (www.blogilates.com)
  • Spring Moves (www.springmoves.com)
  • FitStar (www.fitstar.com)
  • Nike Training Club (www.nike.com/us/en_us/c/training/nike-training-club)
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  • Can 14 year old boy do gym?

    According to a leading body building website, it is advised that working out at the gym is ideal after 14 years of age, as puberty strikes and natural growth is over by then.
    Fitness expert Neeraj Surana adds, “It is not healthy for children to exercise.

  • Can a 15 year boy do gym?

    However, it is recommended to start weight training only after 17-18 years of age when your muscles are mature enough to take that pressure.
    Despite this, many teenagers nowadays, of age around 14-15 start going to gym and do heavy workout to look sharp.
    This harms their health and body in many ways.

  • What is the workout app for a 13 year old?

    PUMATRAC-Run, Train, Fitness
    This is one of the good fitness apps for 13 year olds who need a fun app to exercise.
    The app features a variety of guided training programs designed by professional coaches and customized playlists to keep users motivated during their workouts.

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