[PDF] air pollution and child development

For example, there is growing evidence that air pollution affects children's brain development, contributes to cognitive impairment, and that it may play a role in the development of some types of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (US EPA, 2015, 2019, 2020; Dutheil et al., 2021; Health Effects Institute, 2022; Lin et al.,
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  • Does air pollution affect babies?

    Infants are particularly vulnerable to the health hazards of air pollution because they breathe faster and their gut microbiome is just taking shape. “This makes early life a critical window where exposure to air pollution may have disproportionately deleterious health effects,” they write.
  • Does air pollution affect brain development?

    Research also shows that high exposure to fine particulate matter pollution while children are between two and four years of age is linked to poorer behavioral functioning and cognitive performance. Air pollution exposure also has significant impacts on children's mental health.
  • How does air pollution affect human and child brain development?

    Research shows an association between prenatal exposure to high levels of air pollution and developmental delay at age three, as well as psychological and behavioral problems later in childhood, including symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety and depression.
  • Background: Prenatal and early life air pollution exposure may impair healthy neurodevelopment, increasing risk of childhood behavioral disorders, but epidemiological evidence is inconsistent.
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to air pollution effects on pregnancy outcomes


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Children are physiologically more vulnerable to air pollution than adults because their brains lungs and other organs are still developing.

Silent Suffocation in Africa

3 juin 2019 development. A disproportionatae share of child deaths from exposure to air pollution occur in low- and middle- income countries.3.

Assessing the association between air pollution and child

13 mai 2022 RESEARCH ARTICLE. Assessing the association between air pollution and child development in São Paulo. Brazil. Ornella LuminatiID.


The impact of air pollution on children - Executive Summary developing making them especially vulnerable to polluted air. The cell layer on the inside ...


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