[PDF] brazil absolute advantage

Brazil has the absolute advantage in producing beef and the United States has the absolute advantage in autos. The opportunity cost of producing one pound of  Autres questions
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  • What absolute advantage does Brazil have?

    Brazil has the absolute advantage in producing beef and the United States has the absolute advantage in autos.
    The opportunity cost of producing one pound of beef is 1/10 of an auto; in the United States it is 3/4 of an auto.

  • Does Brazil have a comparative advantage?

    Brazil is, of course, favored with the world's fifth largest endowment of land, as well as an abundant supply of water.
    Of the three factors of production – land, labor and capital – Brazil clearly started out with an abundance of the one – land – that would be expected to offer a comparative advantage in agriculture.

  • Why does Brazil have an absolute advantage in coffee?

    For instance, Brazil has an absolute advantage in making coffee beans. Due to its location near the equator, climate, and local expertise, it is able to efficiently produce coffee beans: making it the largest producer in the world.

  • Why does Brazil have an absolute advantage in coffee?

    Imagine you have two countries, California, and Mexico that make two goods, tequila, and wine.
    How much of each good a country can produce is listed off to the right.
    You can see California can make more of everything and therefore has an absolute advantage in producing both goods.

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