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Hardy down to Zone 6a and drought tolerant, resistant to walnut blight. Protandrous (Society of Ontario Nut Growers 2013 Grimo Nut Nursery 2019). Mid-season ripening, with large, oval, easily cracked nuts. Selected by Dr Allan Beck from field trials at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Performs well in southern Ontario.


Widely recommended as a nut variety for the garden in cooler areas, as opposed to seriously commercial production. Hardy (down to Zone 6a in North America), drought tolerant, leafing late, and heavy-cropping from a remarkably young age. Susceptible to walnut blight but resistant to leaf blotch. Protandrous, but reasonably self-fertile and often rec...


A vigorous, upright variety, hardy and leafing late. Resistant to both walnut blight and leaf blotch. Male flowers are carried for a particularly long time, so it is neither protandrous nor protogynous. As a result it is highly self-fertile, and a versatile pollinator for other varieties. Good crops of well-flavoured, round nuts. Raised in the Neth...


Moderately hardy, this is a heavy cropping lateral bearer, resistant to both walnut blight and leaf blotch. It is protandrous but partially self-fertile. The nuts are thin shelled, with a high (approximately 50%) yield of light-coloured kernels. Introduced in 1979 from the breeding program of the University of California, Davis, its parents were th...

'Coble 2'

Hardy down to Zone 6b, productive but susceptible to walnut blight. Protandrous. Very large, thin shelled, reasonably well-filled nuts; the kernels lack all bitterness. A recent American variety introduced by Garnet Coble in Pennsylvania. Performs well in southern Ontario (Society of Ontario Nut Growers 2013; Crawford 2016).


Hardy down to Zone 6a, drought tolerant, cropping heavily and annually. Highly resistant to walnut blight. Leaves drop well after the nuts, aiding harvest. Protandrous (Society of Ontario Nut Growers 2013). Introduced from Utah by Clifford Dabb. Good quality, oval, medium-sized nuts. Performs well in southern Ontario (Society of Ontario Nut Growers...

F. fragilis K. Koch

The name refers to very thin-shelled forms, so thin that they can be easily pierced by birds. Bean (1981) noted the English and French names Thinshelled Walnut, Titmouse Walnut, Noyer à Coq tendre and Noyer Mésange. While shell thickness varies greatly among the cultivars grown today, this name is rarely seen and we it include it here because of it...

F. Macrocarpa K. Koch

Forms distinguished by extremely large, thin shelled nuts are classified here. The kernels prove disappointingly small. They are known in France as noyer à bijoux because the shells are traditionally used to make little jewel boxes (for photographs and an online tutorial see Anon. 2019). (Bean 1981).

F. monophylla (C. DC.) Schneid.

Not so much an ornamental variety as a curiosity, with simple leaves, or sometimes a large terminal leaflet and one pair of small lateral leaflets. Leaf shape ranges on a single shoot from broadly ovate with a cordate base to narrowly lanceolate. It arose as a chance seedling near Dieppe, France in 1833. The original is long gone, and specimens are...

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SELVICULTURA DE JUGLANS REGIA. Oscar Cisneros. Departamento de Investigación y Experiencias Forestales Valonsadero. Junta de Castilla y León. Apdo. nº 175.

Silva Balcanica 19(2)/2018 - ADDITIONS TO xYLOPHAGOUS

spina-christi; Trichoferus pallidus. – Quercus dalechampii; Acanthocinus griseus – Abies alba; Aegomorphus krueperi – Q. suber; Leiopus linnei –. Juglans regia 

Alérgenos alimentarios en cosméticos. Nomencaltura INCI

Extracto de hoja de Juglans nigra Juglandaceae. Emoliente/astringente/enmascarante Aceite derivado de fruto de Juglans regia

Principali essenze arboree ed arbustive autoctone

Juglans regia. Page 38. Juglans regia. Page 39. Juglans regia. Page 40. Quercus peduncolata. Page 41. Quercus peduncolata. Page 42. Quercus peduncolata 

Cosmetic Products - Ingredient Labelling

Juglans regia. Juglans mandshurica. Juglans nigra. Sesame seed. Sesamum indicum. * Coconut in food does not seem to be associated with severe nut allergy 


Recientemente esta especie fue sinonimizada con M. nigra L. Árbol Juglans regia L. “nogal europeo” extensamente cultivada como frutal en el sur y ...

Guidelines for Selecting Materials for Exhibit Storage and

May 12 1993 Juglans regia. European walnut noyer commun. 4.4 - 5.2. Pinus sylvestris. Scots pine pin sylvestre. 4.3 - 5.1. Entandrophragma cylindricum.

Diet in Doha: Botanical remains

Walnut. Juglans regia. Page 22. The sites also have wild plants which may have been used as food animal fodder

Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from

May 6 2021 plants and rootstocks of Juglans regia imported from Moldova. A list of pests potentially associated ... 7) https://pomicol.wordpress.com.


Feb 10 2011 17 Juglans regia L. 5. 48 Triticum aestivum subsp.aestivum L. 16. 18 Juniperus communis L. 5. 49 Triticum aestivum var.graecum (Korn)Mansf.