[PDF] alcohol metabolism rate

A more accurate guideline is that the liver metabolizes alcohol at a rate of 0.015% per hour, so this is the rate at which your BAC decreases after it reaches peak. This rate is constant, regardless of gender, size, or body type.
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  • How fast is the metabolism of alcohol?

    The liver metabolizes alcohol at a very constant rate, approximately one drink per hour. If there is excessive alcohol in the blood, the liver cannot speed up the detoxification process.
  • How long does it take to go from .08 to 0?

    The average body will metabolize between . 015 and . 020 BAC per hour (that's 4-5 hours to zero for someone at . 08).
  • How does alcohol affect metabolism rate?

    Alcohol intake impairs metabolic performance via effects on dehydration, reduces digestive absorption, and reduces levels of sex hormones, sleep patterns, and liver function. Alcohol also increases metabolic rate when consumed regularly at low to moderate levels.
  • Lead researcher Dr. Ty Brumback adds, "The most important thing about the study is that despite heavy drinkers' extensive experience with alcohol, increased speed of metabolism, and lower self-perceived impairment, we show that on a more demanding task they are just as impaired as light drinkers."
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