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Redalyc.Orlan: Un cuerpo propio

11 nov 2008 Palabras clave: Arte corporal feminismo

La estética de los cuerpos mutantes en las obras de Sterlac Orlan y

El artículo analiza la construcción social del cuerpo contemporáneo por medio de obras de tres artistas: Sterlac Orlan y Gunther von Hagens.

Diferencias entre modelos de tacómetros 125mm de Orlan Rober

Orlan Rober ofrece 4 modelos distintos: el modelo Competición el modelo High-. Comp

Saint Orlan: Ritual As Violent Spectacle and Cultural Criticism

a series of widely publicized surgical performances called The Reincarnation of. Saint Orlan. Her practice of self-directed violence creates a spectacle that 

Redalyc.La estética de los cuerpos mutantes en las obras de Sterlac

El artículo analiza la construcción social del cuerpo contemporáneo por medio de obras de tres artistas: Sterlac Orlan y Gunther von Hagens.

ORLAN 1 9 6 4 - 2 0 0 1

La exposición ORLAN 1964-2001 ha sido organizada y coproducida por ARTIUM de Álava Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo y el Centro de Fotografía de la 

Una mirada al performance de Orlan desde una lectura del CsO*

26 mar 2015 Deleuze y F. Guattari (2000). Palabras clave: Orlan arte carnal

1. Sensores para indicadores mecánicos

Orlan Rober. Since 1958. SENSORES. El sensor es la parte del instrumento que tiene por misión convertir la variable a medir en otra variable de distinto 

Orlan-10 - Wikipedia

Orlan is a French performance artist Her work The Reincarnation of St Orlan began May 30 1990 involving aseries of nine plastic surgeries that have transformed her face and body She is a professor of Fine Art at theEcole des Beaux Arts in Dijon Duchamp and Intentionality Photo of Marcel Duchamp and Fountain by R Mutt and

The Textuality of the Body: Orlan’s Performance as Subversive Act

indicates that Orlan is making a claim of self-authorship For Orlan the first step to escaping feminine prescripts was to free herself from the cycle of male ownership: first owned in a sense by a father and later handed off to a husband Rather than taking her father’s name Orlan named herself She revokes her familial obligation to

What is the Orlan 10?

The Orlan-10 ( Russian: ?????-10) is a reconnaissance, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Special Technology Center (STC) in Saint Petersburg for the Russian Armed Forces. [8] [9] The Orlan-10 features a composite hull that reduces its radar signature. [10]

What is Orlan's work?

Since the 1960s and the 1970s, ORLAN has questioned the status of the body and the political, religious, social, and traditional pressures that are inscribed in it. Her work denounces the violence done to the body and in particular to women's bodies, and thus engages in a feminist struggle.

Who is Michael Orlan?

A passionate social entrepreneur, Orlan has launched various social change and impact ventures in publishing, documentary filmmaking, civil rights, and philanthropy. In 2014, he received a presidential appointment by President Barack Obama to the Global Board of Governors of the United Service Organizations, where he currently serves.

What is the most emblematic work of Orlan accouche d'elle-m'aime?

Among the most emblematic works of her career we can mention : Orlan accouche d'elle-m'aime, 1964: in this black and with photography, ORLAN gives birth to a character like an inert and androgynous body, neither man nor woman. This work symbolizes the artist's desire to give birth to herself, to invent a new identity.

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