[PDF] Les 800 expressions pour tout dire en anglais

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d. Correct the sentences and put them in the negative form. Use the contracted forms (Corrige les phrases et mets-les à la forme négative. Utilise.


15 juill. 2020 you have not got = you haven't got vous n'avez pas they have not got = they haven't got

exercices manuel 6e

He's got a tie. Forme négative. Forme interrogative. I haven't got a tie. He hasn 


We can pick up your dress too. Lion: vous allez avoir une grosse surprise! Votre vie en sera renversée! Leo – You're going to get a 


We're going to Spain this summer. Forme affirmative. Forme négative. Forme interrogative. I am (I'm) working. You are (you 


FORME: Positive question negative. I. He. She. It was working. Was. I he she it has/have + past participle positive question negative. I. We. You. They have.


You haven't got to tell him. 3. It had to be done. 5. They won't have to come. Exercices. VOCABULAIRE. C 3 animal glass glasses animal verre verres lunettes.

D. RAPPEL ! Conjugaison du verbe HAVE GOT have got havent got

have got. We. You. They haven't got. Have we you got ? they. E. Rappel ! Conjugaison du verbe BE. FORME AFFIRMATIVE. FORME NEGATIVE. FORME INTERROGATIVE.


a are b do c have. 7 ) You ...... get fat if you eat too much. ... Aux formes négatives et interrogatives il se trouve à l'auxiliaire DOES. He works.

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o Conjugaison d'un verbe au présent forme négative I've got j'ai. Français he has got il a have you got? as-tu ? I haven't got je n'ai pas.


I usually get up at 8.00. (A H) Forme affirmative. Forme négative. Forme interrogative. I play. You play ... Every day we got up early and had breakfast.

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La construction de to have got à la forme interrogative et négative : moins courante; rappel : en anglais le mois prend une majuscule.

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(formes interrogatives ou négatives pronoms possessifs…). you - he - she - it - we - you-they ). ?. Les verbes « être » et « avoir » (be and have got).

imp_luciani anglais en 24 heures_poche.indd

15 juil. 2020 La forme interrogative négative ; short answers – ... possession au present simple on utilise la forme have got. I have got = I've got

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Formation : e) Forme affirmative : HAVE au présent simple + Participe passé du verbe Exemple : Stacey's got a car she will be able to drive to London.

[PDF] D RAPPEL ! Conjugaison du verbe HAVE GOT have got havent got

D RAPPEL ! Conjugaison du verbe HAVE GOT FORME AFFIRMATIVE FORME NEGATIVE FORME INTERROGATIVE I have got I haven't got Have I got ? You have got

HAVE GOT : formes affirmative négative et interrogative - Maxicours

Objectif Savoir utiliser have got aux formes affirmative négative et interrogative 1 Emploi Have got s'emploie pour : • exprimer l'idée de possession 

Forme négative - comment faire - Anglais facile

Rappel indispensable ! METTRE à LA FORME NEGATIVE ( 1er niveau ) Le verbe; HAVE : has has got have have got / will have / would have / can have

Have ou Have got - cours - Anglais facile

forme affirmative I we you they have he she it has have got I have got brown hair has got He has got brown hair forme négative I we you

[PDF] Tableau sous main Collège 4ème

Je les mets devant le sujet pour former une phrase interrogative Présent de have got AUXILIAIRE DE SECOURS AU PRESENT : DO /DOES Forme affirmative pleine

[PDF] [PDF] Anglais 40 leçons - Learning Center

De même avec de tels verbes il y a redoublement de la consonne finale à la forme en -ing: to get getting 6 He had had : au pluperfect comme au present 

[PDF] Be et have - Go English

Forme interrogative I have a car I've got a car She has long hair She's got long hair Forme négative We 

Have - Anglais

auxiliaire - verbe lexical - formes contractées - temps composés - have to - had Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative P R E S E

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