[PDF] command and control externalities

In effect, command-and-control regulation requires that firms increase their costs by installing anti-pollution equipment; firms are thus required to take the  Autres questions
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  • What is command and control in economics?

    environmental economics
    In environmental economics: Command and control.
    Command and control is a type of environmental regulation that allows policy makers to specifically regulate both the amount and the process by which a firm should maintain the quality of the environment.

  • What is an example of command-and-control regulation?

    Examples are the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and of course, the Soil Conservation Act.
    These were laws that specified a particular allowable quantity of pollution.
    They were very specific.
    The laws also detailed what types of technology firms may use.

  • What is an example of command and control environmental policy?

    Command-and-control approach and environment standards
    It is a mandated level of performance enforced through a piece of legislation.
    A few examples are the limits set on the volume of timber that could be harvested, bans on the cutting of trees, and maximum levels legally allowed for pollution emissions.

  • What is an example of command and control environmental policy?

    Command and Control is one of the many approaches used in public policy.
    It comprises of rules and legislation imposed by governments, and is often backed up by the threat of coercion, fines or state penalties.

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1 mar. 2019 measures to internalize the externalities for efficiency in production ... Furthermore direct command and control measures in aquaculture.


Chapter 12 Environmental Protection and Negative Externalities 3 difficulties with command-and-control environmental regulation:.