[PDF] complex fft output

24 avr. 2012 · The FFT is fundamentally a change of basis. The basis into which the FFT changes your original signal is a set of sine waves instead.Understanding FFT output - Stack OverflowConverting Real and Imaginary FFT output to Frequency and How to use the output of the inverse Fourier transform?Understanding Complex FFT Output of FFTW in FortranAutres résultats sur stackoverflow.comQuestions associées
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  • What is the result of the FFT complex?

    The FFT provides you with amplitude and phase. The amplitude is encoded as the magnitude of the complex number ( sqrt(x^2+y^2) ) while the phase is encoded as the angle ( atan2(y,x) ).
    To have a strictly real result from the FFT, the incoming signal must have even symmetry (i.e. x[n]=conj(x[N-n]) ).24 avr. 2012

  • What is the FFT of a complex number?

    The result of an FFT is a sequence of complex numbers of the form (x + iy).
    This is equivalent to the Cartesian coordinates (x, y).
    However, it is often easier to think of the FFT results in terms of polar coordinates (r, ?).
    Here, r represents the amplitude and ? the phase.

  • What are the outputs of FFT?

    When FFT analyzers produce frequency domain data, the output results are frequency spectra.
    These spectra are typically extracted in a form referred to as power spectra and cross-power spectra (see reference 7.1).
    The first step is to sample input time data into FFT time blocks.

  • What are the outputs of FFT?

    Second, the real Fourier transform only deals with positive frequencies.
    That is, the frequency domain index, k, only runs from 0 to N/2.
    In comparison, the complex Fourier transform includes both positive and negative frequencies.
    This means k runs from 0 to N-1.

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