[PDF] 6 underground cast storror

Who plays one in 6 Underground?

In 6 Underground, Ryan Reynolds stars as One, a mysterious billionaire who, fed up with government inaction, fakes his own death and uses his fortune to fund his own black ops strike team. Every member of One's squad has a unique skillset. Seven, for example, is a former military sniper. Five is a doctor.

Will there be a '6 underground' movie?

"Ryan Reynolds' New 6 Underground Movie Doesn't Seem To Be Going To Theaters, And That Sucks". CINEMABLEND. Retrieved October 9, 2019. ^ "Lorne Balfe to Score Michael Bay's '6 Underground' ".

Who filmed Storror?

Bay even let Storror's resident cameraman, Sacha Powell, film some hand-held parkour shots, many of which appeared in the final film. "Sacha is an incredible filmmaker," Segar says, "and Michael was just great about it. He loved what we did... We were just over the moon that he was so up for getting us on board."

How much does 6 underground cost on Netflix?

6 Underground premiered at The Shed in New York City on December 10, 2019, and was released by Netflix on December 13, 2019. With a budget of $150 million, the film is one of the most expensive Netflix originals ever made.

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