[PDF] D.A.E.U. TEST DANGLAIS 6 septembre 2017 NOM – Prénom DAEU

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Test DAEU 2020_09 anglais teach me Test DAEU 2020_09 anglais teach me

Grandfather suddenly took me by the arm. "Well will you" I had no idea what he was asking me. "Will you stay here for a few months?


1. If he (work) more he would have passed his exam. 2. I wish I (not buy) that 2. The last time I saw him he was living in New York. a) La prochaine fois ...


EXAMEN FINAL D'ANGLAIS. DAEU SESSION 2021. NOM : ………………………………………………… PRÉNOM : ………………………………………………… COMPRÉHENSION ORALE. Page. 2 ……………. /20. EXPRESSION ÉCRITE.


comprend : deux examens sur table sur site un travail personnel

Annales DAEU A

Annales DAEU A. Les annales 2021/2022. Anglais · Biologie · Espagnol · Français · Géographie · Histoire · Mathématiques · ISE. Les annales 2020/2021.


Sep 19 2022 UE Anglais. Volume horaire : 65 heures de cours. Examens : 2 évaluations écrites de 3h au cours de l'année + 1 examen final écrit de 3 heures. + ...


Français Anglais


ANGLAIS (DAEU A ET B). Volume horaire et Contrôle des connaissances. Deux épreuves de contrôle continu (2h30) et un examen final (3h) comportant 4 parties : - ...

DAEU Anglais 2022-2023 DAEU Anglais 2022-2023

✓ Acquérir les techniques d'écriture adaptées aux sujets de partiels et d'examen final : résumé /discussion et dissertation littéraire. Semestre 1 (30 heures).

D.A.E.U. TEST DANGLAIS 6 septembre 2017 NOM – Prénom DAEU

D.A.E.U.. TEST D'ANGLAIS. 6 septembre 2017. NOM – Prénom. DAEU A ?. DAEU B ? The children ………….. playing the video games for the last two hours.


Page 1. Annales DAEU A. Les annales 2019/2020. Anglais · Biologie · Espagnol · Français · Géographie · Histoire · Mathématiques.


Downshifters are people …….…………… adopt long-term voluntary simplicity in their life. In terms of demographics there are no specific features 

Test DAEU 2020_09 anglais teach me

DAEU. TEST D'ANGLAIS. 6 septembre 2019. Merci de remplir cette fiche en LETTRES MAJUSCULES. Ce document servira d'outil de liaison. NOM de naissance : 


DAEU A. DAEU B. MARSEILLE ST CHARLES. ? Français. ? Anglais. ? Histoire. ? Géographie de l'examen final d'une quarantaine de lignes et le.

Le diplôme daccès aux études universitaires (DAEU)

Inscription au DAEU A via le CNED : Français et Anglais Histoire et Géographie. pédagogique : contrôle continu

DAEU-A 2021-22 Test danglais

Après avoir décrit l'image (10 pts) vous ferez un commentaire (10 pts) dans lequel vous étudierez les tenants et les aboutissants de la situation mise en 

Modalités relatives aux notations :

Diplôme d'Accès aux Etudes Universitaires A et B (DAEU) d'une ou plusieurs matières que vous souhaitez présenter à l'examen. ... L'examen final :.


Le test d'anglais portera sur les compétences des niveaux A2+ et B1 du CECRL. Les candidats devront maîtriser les points grammaticaux suivants. - BE et HAVE au 


Le test d'anglais portera sur les compétences des niveaux A2+ et B1 du CECRL. Les candidats devront maîtriser les points grammaticaux suivants. - BE et HAVE au 

D.A.E.U. TEST D'ANGLAIS6 septembre 2017

NOM - Prénom ______________________________________________ DAEU A □ DAEU B □ Pendant combien d'années avez-vous fait de l'anglais ? __________ Dans quel cadre ? (scolarité, stage, séjour, ...) I. Mettre à la forme interrogative et négative :

1) The film is interesting.

Q ..........................................................................................? N .............................................................................................

2) They enjoy cycling.

Q ..........................................................................................? N ....................................................................................... .

3) You are sitting on my hat.

Q ..........................................................................................? N .......................................................................................... .

4) He can play chess.

Q .......................................................................................... ? N .......................................................................................... . II. Faire des questions correspondant aux mots en italique :

1) We saw this film last year.

Q ....................................................................................... ?

2) The key had fallen behind the cupboard.

Q .......................................................................................... ?

3) We had to buy a new car because ours broke down.

Q ..........................................................................................?

4) We got up at six o'clock to catch the train.

Q ..........................................................................................?

5) My mother brought us a bowl of cherries from her garden.

Q .......................................................................................... ? III. Imaginez que vous avez une conversation téléphonique avec quelqu'un. Complétez la conversation par des réponses courtes :

1. "Did you go to the concert last night?" "Yes, ...... . . . . .... ."

2. "Have you been to the concert like this before?" "No, ........... . . . ."

3. "Was it fun?" "Yes, ......... . . ........"

4. "Can you hum the tune of the song that the band sang at the end?" "No,. .... . . ....."

5. "Would you like me to come with you next time?" "Yes, ...... . . ............."

IV. Mettez les verbes au temps et à la forme qui conviennent :

1) The streets ............... . . . . ............. crowded yesterday because of the festival. (be)

2) My boss ............... . .. . . . .............absent from work for the last couple of weeks. (be).

3) I ........................ . . . . . ....on the phone when somebody knocked on the door. (talk)

4) I ........................... . . . . . ......... done it yet but I'll try to do it this afternoon. (do)

5) They ............... . ................ with this decision because they don't approve of it. (agree)

V. Choisissez la bonne réponse et entourez-la :

1. I remember ......... them once at my aunt's.

a) I have met b) meet c) meeting

2. At this time last year we ............... for Athens.

a) have left b) have been leaving c) were leaving.

3. The children .............. playing the video games for the last two hours.

a) were watching b) have been watching c) watched

4. He .......... off the horse and ................. his leg.

a) fall .... breaked b) fell .... broke c) has felt ...... has broken.

5. We had to wait until the mail ........... before leaving.

a) arrived b) would arrive c) has arrived

6. I'd rather come and ......... you next Tuesday.

a) to see b) see c) seeing

7. He refuses to .................... for his exams.

a) study b) studying c) studing

8. I have difficulty ................... English.

a) to speak b) speaking c) for speaking

9. I have ......... finished my homework.

a) ever b) just c) yet

10. It was ............. terrible film .......... we left before the end.

a) so/than b) such a/ that c) such / that

VI. Mettez au style indirect :

1. "Are you Bobby Jackson?"

She asked ................................................................................... .

2. "It's going to rain".

The weather forecast said that ............................................................... .

3. "I'll talk to you later".

She said .......................................................................................... .

4. "I did this exercise yesterday".

He said .................................................................................... .

5. "Can I help you?"

She asked ...................................................................................... .

VII. Mettez au pluriel :

1. The postman came in carrying a letter in his hand.

2. This person never speaks.

3. That car was stolen last week.

4. This woman looks familiar.

5. A friend of mine came for dinner.

VIII. Utilisez un adjectif ou pronom possessif.

1. (we/ you) ................... house is much smaller than ............................. .

2. (She) ........................... must keep ................................ promises.

3. (I/ John) This is .......................... sweater; it isn't ............................... .

4. (you) This is none of ................ business! This is no business of .................................!

5. (we) This car is ......................... ; we bought it last week.

IX. Complétez les phrases suivantes avec : " who -whom - whose - which - what - that ».

1. Mary offered me her jewel box, ................ is very antique.

2. Carl, ............ you met once, is going to be the new manager.

3. This is the most exciting experience .............. I have ever had.

4. ............. of you two locked the cat in the bathroom?

5. The expert, ............... opinion was so important, gave us full satisfaction.

6. ...................... is peculiar is that she always does well in her exams without studying hard.

X. Complétez les phrases suivantes avec " much - many - little - a little - a few - a lot of » :

1. Terry is very popular and has got .................................... friends.

2. How ...................... books have you borrowed from the library?

3. Poor man! He hasn't got ........................... money to live on!

4. The roads are so slippery that there isn't ........................... traffic.

XI. Utilisez some-where/-body/-thing, any-body/one-where-thing, no-body/-where/-body/-thing, none /no one.

1. Have you got ...................... to declare?

2. I felt very lonely as there was ........................... to talk to.

3. I saw ........................... students outside the school.

4. They were waiting for the bus, but apparently it was too late and there was ....................... .

5. There is ............................. living in the corner house now. It's been empty for some time.

XII. Vous écrivez en anglais à un correspondant pour la première fois. Parlez-lui de vous et

expliquez pourquoi vous avez décidé de reprendre vos études (vous pouvez inventer). 12 à 15






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